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He was spinning again when Zelena came down the stairs. She smiled when she saw the pile of gold on a tin plate. "There. That will do. You said it yourself. Spinning clears your mind. Or should I say...your brain," She said, transforming the gold into a golden brain and putting it in a box that had a heartbeat coming from it. "There's just one more ingredient to collect," She said. She brought us to an abandoned barn and made us dig something into the dirt.

"There. Dig. You think I'll fail," She said. "I think destiny is destiny," He said, and she chuckled. "You're wrong. I can change it. And once I fix the past, my mother will keep me, Regina will never have been born, and I'll get everything she ever had. With the right ingredients, I can do anything," She said, placing various items into dishes. "Whether it works or not is irrelevant, dearie. Because no matter what you change of your path...one thing shall remain the same--who you are. And that is a fate you can never escape," He said, leaning on the hoe. "We shall see," She sneered.

She was returning us to our cages when we found Emma and Hook. "Ahh. You two are so adorable. But instead of looking for each other, maybe you should be focused on me. Although, without magic, that could prove to be a challenge," Zelena sneered. "The next time you try to take my power, why don't you try enchanting the lips of someone I'll actually kiss?" Emma asked. "See, Emma, you've got a decision to make. You can keep your magic, which makes you oh so sad, or you can save the man you can't wait to run away from. Rumple, Rempa," Zelena said looking at us. We used our magic to fling Hook into a water trough and keep him there.

 "Hook!" Emma yelled. "Choose wisely. Try all you like. You can't free him," Zelena said. She brought us to the hospital, where Leroy and Walter were standing in front of the door. "Incoming!" Leroy yelled as they ran inside. "Aim true for Little John!" Robin Hood yelled, aiming his crossbow at us, while 3 compound bows were trained on us.

  Damn, they really do not want Zelena to get that baby. I thought. Zelena waved her hand and they all fell to the ground, asleep. "Oh, didn't you learn your lesson the last time? This is more powerful than your True Love," Zelena told Belle as we walked down the hall. "I refuse to believe that," Belle said. "Belle, go," He said.

 "Listen to him, dear," Zelena said. "No, you've put them through enough pain," Belle said. "And I'm not nearly done!" She snapped, causing Belle to fall asleep. He caught her before she hit the ground. "Your taste in women really has gone downhill. Leave her, dearie. Chop chop!" She called, forcing us to follow her.

"No, it won't," Zelena said as Archie and Henry left to go hide. "Take another step and I'll roast you," Regina sneered. "Please," Zelena scoffed, and Regina was thrown back, and we got through the barrier. Zelena stole the new prince and warped us back to the farmhouse. "It's all right, little one. We're almost home," Zelena told the baby.

"There's nothing more innocent than a newborn babe. And you, my sweet, are the most innocent of all--the product of the Truest Love," Zelena told the prince, setting him down in a basket. "See, once I change the past, you and I shall meet under different circumstances. And, Rumple, you will choose me. And I will be enough," Zelena said. "No, you won't. And no matter where you go in time, I will find a way to kill you," He said. Energy surged from each of the objects, flowing to the middle and opening a portal in the center. "Don't worry, dearie. Once all this is over, you won't remember a thing," Zelena told us.

"It isn't over yet," We looked to see Robin Hood, Regina, David, Emma, and Hook. "And who's gonna stop me? Certainly not the Savior," Zelena sneered. "Go. Get him. We got your back," Emma told David. "And I've got your heart," Robin Hood told Regina. "Zelena, stop now. We're not gonna let you succeed," Regina said.

"Rid me of those pests," She ordered us. We flung Robin and David into some hay, then turned to Emma and Hook. "Please, no more water," Hook requested. "Get the daggers. Then the Dark One and the Nightingale will be on your side," He said, and I knocked the gun out of Emma's hand. "It's easier said than done," Emma said.

 "Do as I say, or we will destroy you both. We have no choice!" He said, and we pushed them into hay. "Come for another beating, sis?" Zelena asked. "No. I came here for some jewelry," Regina said but got flung back. Robin and David got up, as did Hook and Emma. "Beautiful one, if you will?" Zelena said, and a flying monkey flew in.

"Remember, these creatures are our friends!" Robin said. "Don't worry. I'll use a gentle touch," David said. "Unfortunately, that's not an option for us," He said, and we flung them back into the hay. Zelena used her magic to choke Regina in the air. "Only light magic can harm me. And you're as dark as they come. It was your destiny to be this way. And it will also be your undoing!" Zelena told Regina.

"Don't tell me what I can be!" Regina snapped, and Zelena chuckled. "I tried to be good once, but it wasn't in the cards. This is who I am, and this is who you are!" Zelena barked as Robin grabbed Regina's heart. "You're wrong, sis," Regina said. "What are you doing?" Zelena asked as Regina's hands glowed white. "Changing," Regina said, blasting her back with light magic, and making her drop the daggers.

"How?!" Zelena asked as Regina returned to the ground and walked over to her. "I make my own destiny," Regina snapped, ripping off the pendant that controlled Zelena's powers. The portal closed. The flying monkey went to attack David, who almost took off Little John's head as he changed back. "Little John, you're back!" Robin Hood said as David picked up his son.

"David, the baby. Is he okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah. He can handle anything. Just like his big sister," David said, and we started to leave. "You failed. You're not going anywhere," Regina told Zelena. "I beg to differ. I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done to us," He snarled, dragging Zelena towards him. "What are you waiting for? Just do it!" Zelena yelled.

"With pleasure," He said. "No!" Regina said, and he was stopped because she was holding the daggers. "Enough. This ends now," Regina said. "After everything this witch has done...you're gonna protect her?" He asked. "Good magic stopped her. And good magic doesn't exact vengeance," She said. "She killed my son! She threatened my grandchild!" He yelled.

"How many lives have we taken trying to get what we want?" She asked. "You can't be serious," He said. "I am. Heroes don't kill," Regina said. "So now you're a hero?" Zelena asked. "Today, I am," Regina said.

Everyone except he and Regina returned to the hospital, where we gave Snow her baby. While Snow was smiling at her son, I felt labor start. "Err, sorry to break up this touching moment, but there's another child coming," I said. "Shoot. Should we call Gold?" David asked. "No, let him go see Belle," I said as a nurse brought me to another room.

After a very long and painful process, I was rewarded with my child being whisked away before I could see their face. After what felt like an eternity, Whale came in. "I have some bad news. The child is very sick..." He said. "And?" I asked. "They might not make it through the night," He said grimly.

My hand clapped over my mouth, and I felt tears slide down my face. Whale left, and a bit later, I heard a small army enter. I looked up and saw David, Emma, Hook, Henry, Belle, and my dad. Instantly, they knew something was up. "Reagen, what's wrong?" Emma asked.

"Whale said my baby might not make it through the night,"

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