5 - Good Form

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"A trap? That's your plan?" Regina asked. "The Lost Boys wanna come after us, we need to go after them," Mary Magaret said. "You really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?" Hook asked. "Thanks for the advice. David? We need more vines," Mary Margaret said. "On it. You're coming with me, pirate," David said.

"Why is that?" Hook asked. "Because we need more rope," Emma said. "If the lady insists..." Hook said, and David and he left. After a while, they returned. "A sextant? You're only telling us about this now?" Emma asked, dumbfounded.

"How do we know you're not lying?" Regina asked. "Oh, you don't, but I'm not. It's the best hope yet we've had of an exit plan. And don't forget, we're gonna need one," Hook said. "Then what are we waiting for?" Emma asked. "Emma...you were right. We need to get that message to Henry. Every day without hope is a day closer to becoming a Lost Boy. Your father and I should go," Hook said. "Hook's right," David said.

"Uh, you wanna split up?" Mary Margaret asked. "It's the last thing I wanna do. But...there's a chance he can get us home," David said. "I'll come with you," I said. "No, you need to stay here and rest," Hook said. "I'm fine," I said.

"No, you're not. We'll be back soon," Hook assured me, then they left. "Let's go catch a Lost Boy," I said. "No, Hook's right. You're sick, Reagen. Stay here, we'll handle it," Emma said, then they left. Sighing, I laid down and fell asleep. When I woke up again, everyone was back at camp.

"Hey," Emma said, coming and sitting down next to me. "Hey," I replied. "Is there something going on, Rae? You've been dizzy and lethargic for the past couple days," Emma said. "It's nothing," I said. "Nothing isn't looking like a corpse. What is it, Rae?" Emma asked.

"It's just a nasty habit,"

Crocodile's Daughter - Back to Their True SelvesWhere stories live. Discover now