3 - Quite a Common Fairy

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We were trudging through the woods when we learned that Pan had changed his camp, so we had to change directions. Regina wanted to magic us into the camp, but we told her that Pan probably had spells up and we would be thrown into oblivion if we tried. "Well, then what's your idea? How are we going to find it?" Regina asked. "By using someone he trusts," I said. "Who? Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you," David asked.

"A fairy who lived here when we were about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source. Knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might even have some pixie dust left. Perhaps we could fly in. Though, it depends if someone stepped on her toes in the past," I said, sending a look at Regina. "You mean fairy dust," Emma said. "No, pixie dust. It's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust," David said. "Wow, very descriptive," I said. "Wait. A fairy...Tinker Bell?" Emma asked.

"Oh, you know her?" Hook asked. "Every kid in the world...knows her," Emma said. "It's a bad idea. Mark my words. This Tinker Bell is not going to save us," Regina said. "So you have stepped on her toes. Good to know," I said. Regina tried to convince Emma to use magic, but we told her no, and continued.

When we got to the treehouse, it was empty. "I guess she left," David said. "No," I said, going over to a bowl, and picking up some of the residues with my finger, tasting it. "Stew. She must be out at the moment," David found Regina's handkerchief, and we went to go find Regina because Tinker Bell had a vendetta against her. As do most.

We ran through the bushes, finding Tinker Bell coming out of a cave. "Where's Regina?" Emma asked. "Who the hell are you?" Tinker Bell asked. "A pissed off mother. Where is she?" Emma asked. "I'm fine. I'm fine," Regina said, coming out of the cave.

"You mind lowering those? You may stick me, but I'll take you down with me," Tinker Bell said.  "She's okay. She's not gonna hurt us. Just stand down," Regina said. "But is she going to help us?" Hook asked. "Well, look who the Queen dragged in. Hello, Hook," Tinker Bell said. "Lady Bell," Hook greeted.

"She's not gonna help us," Regina said. "Why not?" Emma asked. "Tink...after all we've been through together...little assistance?" Hook asked. "She doesn't have any magic," Regina said. "No pixie dust?" David asked.

"Not even her wings," Regina said. "How?" Emma asked. "I guess people just stopped believing in me. And even if I wanted to help you, he's too powerful," Tink said. "But you know where Pan is," Mary Margaret said. "Sure. But it won't do you a bit of good," She said.

"Let us be the judge of that. Does he trust you?" Mary Margaret asked. "Can you get us inside his compound?" Emma asked. "Maybe. Why should I help you?" Tink asked, crossing her arms. "Because I believe in you," I said, and Tink looked up. "Reagen?" She asked.

 "No, Rebecca. Yes, of course it's Reagen," I said, and she hugged me. "Just get us inside, and we'll take care of things from there," Emma said. "And what's in it for me, other than a death sentence from Pan when you're gone with your boy?" Tink asked. "You can come with us," I said. "That's right. A home. That is what you want, isn't it?" Mary Margaret said.

"Okay. Listen closely. Pan trusts me. He'll let me in. And maybe, just maybe, I'll leave a way open for you. But you've only got one shot, so you better have a good plan," Tink said. "Thank you. We will," Emma said. "Come with us to our camp. We'll figure it out," Mary Margaret said. As we trudged back to camp, I saw something on the path in front of me. I picked it up.

It was that blasted doll.

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