10 - The New Neverland

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The ship phased through the barrier, breaking it, and we landed roughly on Storybrooke's harbor. There was cheering and applause as we lowered the boards and started to dismount. "Alright! Yeah! They're back!" Leroy yelled. Henry got off, then Emma, then Mary Margaret, then David, then Regina, then Papa. Hook and I rounded up the Lost Boys and ushered them off.

I saw Belle and Papa hugging, and Neal goes up to them. They all stood there until Belle looked up. "Where's Reagen?" She asked, and Neal and Papa looked around. "She was with us when we came back," Neal said. "She might still be on the ship," Papa said and came back on.

I was still on the ship because I knew a lot of people still held resentment towards me. "Hey, Reagen. What are you doing up here?" I looked up to see Papa. "Nothing," I said. "Come on," He said, pulling me up. He handed me his cane, and I leaned on it.

We got off the ship, and he went back over to the Charmings and the rest of our family. I leaned on the railing next to Regina. "Outcast? I know the feeling," I said, watching as the crowd left. David locked Felix up, and then we went to the shop with Pandora's box, where Pan was safely kept inside. Papa sealed the box into the floor, and the Charmings assured Henry that he was fine.

I went to Granny's, where everyone was celebrating our return. Hook was drinking with the dwarves, Henry was looking over his book, and Emma and Neal were talking. Someone handed me a drink, and I lingered in the corner booth. Regina left with Henry, and Emma came over to me. "Hey, Rae," She said.

"Hey," I said. "Something seems off about Henry," I said. "Yeah. He's probably just getting used to home again," Emma said. "No, it's not like that. He's not being friendly to Regina, he isn't talking to anyone except you," I said. "I'm sure he's just recovering from his adventure," Emma assured me, then she walked away.

I was cleaning my living quarters when I heard a scream outside. I grabbed my cane and rushed towards the screaming. The shadow was chasing Mother Superior, who was running towards the convent. The shadow grabbed her shadow, ripping it off, and killing her. "Blue!" Tink yelled.

David rushed over, shaking her shoulder, trying to wake her up. "She's gone," He said after checking her pulse. "Why would the shadow kill her?" Tink asked. "No idea, Luv. But I do know the shadow only takes orders from one person," Hook said. "Pan," Emma said.

We covered Mother Superior's body with a cloth as Regina and Henry came over. "What the hell happened?" Regina asked. "The shadow. It killed her," I said. "Pan's shadow? I trapped it on the sail," Regina said. "Yeah, well, it got free," Emma said.

"Hook, let's go back to the ship and get the candle. If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it," Neal said. "Pan's behind this. I know it," Emma said. "He's trapped in a box under the floor of Gold's shop," Regina said. "Who else would be doing this?" Emma asked. "So Pan can still hurt me?" Henry asked.

"We don't know that," Regina said. "Well, we have to assume he's still a threat," Mary Margaret said. "And that he's after Henry," Emma said. "Then what am I doing here?" Henry asked. "Henry's right. He's not safe out in the open," David said.

 "You'll protect me, right?" Henry asked Regina. "Well, yes, of course," Regina said. "Go. We'll take care of the shadow," Emma said, and Regina and Henry left. "Regina, wait," Emma said. "What?" Regina asked, turning around.

"I think we need to pay a visit to my father," I said, and we booked it to the shop. "No, I'm afraid, we're closed. Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day," He said. "Rumple," Belle said. "Pandora's box--give it to me," Emma said. "And why would I do that?" He asked.

"We need to open it," Emma said. "And let Pan escape? What are you, crazy?" He asked. "Somehow he's controlling the shadow from inside the box. Henry's life is in danger," Mary Margaret said. "And you think letting Pan out will change that?" He asked. "Yes, because we can stop him, finally and forever," Emma said.

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