8 - Think Lovely Thoughts

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We drew our weapons when we heard foliage rustling, but it was just Regina and my father. "Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina said. "What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret asked. "Well, same as you, except we actually have a chance. Pandora's box. It could trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid," Regina said. "Also, I sent them a message that we were about to attempt to get Henry back," I said quickly.

"You what?" David asked. "They are 2 of the most powerful magic users to ever live. We have a better chance of getting Henry back with their help," I said. "Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry," Neal said. "Bae..." He started. "Why? What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

 "There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing. He didn't come here to protect him. He came here to kill him," Neal said. "That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back? Because you knew he'd spill your secret," Regina said. "Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan," He said. "It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore," Emma said, unsheathing her sword. "You wanted to get to Henry first..." Mary Margaret said, drawing her bow.

"To be on his own..." David continued, pulling out his sword. "So no one could stop you..." Hook said, taking out his sword. "So you can kill him," Regina said. "It's not gonna happen, not unless you go through all of us first," Emma said. "You're making a mistake. I don't care if the boy is destined to be my undoing. I won't hurt him," He said.

"Because that sounds just like you," I sneered. "Without me, you will fail. I'm the most powerful among us," He said. "That's why we can't trust you," Neal said. "If I could give you my dagger, I would. But I can't," He said. "But you can give me Pandora's box. I don't have to trust you if I could stop you," Neal said.

"Son..." He started, but then handed Neal the box. "Look at me, you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box," Neal said, taking the box. "Let's go," Emma said, and we set off towards Pan's camp. "We're here. Pan's perimeter," Tink said. "It's time. Tink will sneak us into the back like we planned. We grab Henry. In and out, simple. You good with Pan patrol?" Emma asked.

"Locked and loaded," Neal said. "You mind if I, uh...borrow this?" He asked, taking Hook's sword. "You said no magic, I agreed. But I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks," He said, and I snorted. "If we were down to your looks, we'd all be screwed," I said. "Now I, on the other hand--" Hook started.

"Here. In case your good looks fail you," David said, tossing him a sword. "Thanks, mate," Hook said. "Let's get Henry," Emma said. We peered through the foliage at the Lost Boys. "Can I at least use magic on these boys?" He asked.

"No," Neal said. "I'll do it," Regina said. "You remember the spell?" He asked, and Regina gave him a look. She cast a spell, and all the boys fell to the ground, asleep. We all walked out, to find no Henry and no Pan. "Where's Pan?" Neal asked.

"I don't know. Henry!" Emma called. "He's gotta be somewhere," David said. "Where?" Mary Margaret asked as we looked around. "Help!" A girl called, and Emma went off. Neal, him, and I followed after her.

 "Wendy?" Neal asked, looking at the girl in the cage. "Do I know you?" She asked. "It's Baelfire," Neal said. "Do you know each other?" Emma asked. "Bae!" Wendy said.

"Yeah. Yeah, we do," Neal said, crouching next to the cage. "Can it really be you?" The girl asked, and Neal busted open the cage with a rock. "I thought I'd never see you again," Wendy said, hugging him. "What are you--wh--what are you doing here?" Neak asked. "Well, I-I came back to save you," Wendy said.

"You did that for me?" Neal asked. "Well, I couldn't bear for you to be without a family, not after you told us that your family was all dead," Wendy said. "You told her we were dead?" He asked. "It was easier than telling the truth--my own father abandoned me and my sister," Neal said, and he looked like a memory, a bad memory, had just resurfaced. We brought Wendy back to the camp and gave her a blanket.

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