Introduction: 1

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This is a fan fiction for Lucy x Natsu, there is Lemon in so the farther you get, the juicer it gets! If you want straight up lemon just skip to "parts that have the "📌"

Edit: Nov 30, 2020. I just re read this and I'm so embarrassed. This story will be going through some heavy editing, noting my grammar clearly wasn't that good back when I made this. Enjoy!

🔑Lucy POV:

It was for sure i liked natsu, there was no denying it. The overwhelming emotions and feelings pounded in me like a drum effecting me everyday. Though i never scratched it completely off the list, i was sure to think Natsu didn't like me.. Though being ol' lil lucy, or as happy would say it: Lushee, i'm surely a hopeless romantic, all the novels... lemons.... i've read and i still don't even have the guts to ask natsu on a date or attempt any 'moves' on him.

This is why i knew it wouldn't be a good idea from the start anyways.

But who cares, i rub my eyes and look around my brightly shined room at the open window, wait opened window? I stood myself up and walk to the window shutting it, I sneak a glance through a mirror that was hanging on my wall, still in my two piece silk pajama set and fairly messy bed head hair.

I heard a familiar voice enter my ear as I looked at myself through the mirror.

"Lucy! you're finally up!" a cheery voice echoed the small apartment, i turn around and saw Natsu, in a his plain black and yellow lining vest with the rest of his clothes he seemed to never take off, what is he doing in my house, not only what was he doing in my room while i was SLEEPING?!?

i take a step back preparing the final blow... LUCY KICKKKKK! i swing my leg high but completely miss him and end up slipping backwards, of course natsu being right in front of me he stuck out his arms and caught my back and waist, i look up to see him, a noticeable blush conquering my entire face turning me from pale to rosy in a few seconds.

while his eyes stared into mine, I examined his face, we were only a few inches apart but I could still see the pink blush that was also on his face.

"jeez lucy i was just asking if you wanted come to a road trip with us and some other members of the guild you didn't have to go all Lucy scary on me" he adjusts his grip on me and raises one of his eyebrows still staring at me, A grin on his face, this irritated me.

"LUCY SCARY?" i almost shout in his face, as if we was gonna call me some stupid sarcastic name, i open my mouth to say something back but his voice interrupts mine

"you know, when i enter your house without permission and u attempt to lucy kick me..." his voice wanders off.

"yeah and that's breaking and entering, theres a reason why i all 'lucy scary'" I finish the sentence with a sarcastic tone in my voice, I raised my eyebrows, and pluck my lips to show him i was being sassy.

a smile grew on our faces but slowly faded when we started to remember the position we were stuck together in for the past few seconds, i'm not sure why but his hands holding me up on my waist felt good.. and i hate to admit it but apart from the embarrassment of it i don't see any regret on his face either when i see him notice us too..

"uh lucy" he says in almost a whisper, i looked into his onyx eyes and saw only my reflection, suddenly the grip on my waist tightened and pulled me closer to his face, our noses barely touching and his hot breathe breathing down my face and his hand trailing up my spine leaving shivers from top to bottom, the distance closed more and we both could feel out breathing increase as our foreheads nearly touch and our eyes staring into one another.

that's when i heard the door slam open, Gray and Erza stood standing there.

"oh what's happening here" a sarcastic voice left from gray when me and natsu instantly broke contact with each other showing no evidence of what just happened but the shivers that coated our bodies like icing to Erza's cheese cake.

Natsu spoke before i could even open my mouth, my eyes blank trying to hide or ignore what just happened in my life, did natsu think of me like this? it couldn't be.

"I'll see you outside Luce.. Remember what to bring." His eyes narrowed at mine, looking like he was desperately trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Lucy you better hurry up!" Erza yelled, she didn't really yell but it sure did sound like it. God does she always have to be loud i swear the amount of complaints i get from Natsu and happy alone is enough to evict me.

Once they leave, I could feel my face returning its color, I bring my hand up towards my face, using my fingers to softly glide my bottom lip, did natsu mean what he was doing?I think he only see's me as a friend probably too caught up in the moment..

but that wasn't friendly. I shake my head to get the confused thoughts out of my head, i push it over even though i couldn't stop thinking about what just happened... or what could've happened if Gray and Erza didn't barge into my house and head into my room.

everything i would need for a couple of nights, a long with some extra clothes for natsu because i know he would forget even the most simplistic things he needed for life. Of course leaving a note for the landlady with my rent money and a little bit for Happy once he got back from the mission with Wendy and Carla.

<< hey guys author here, found this music video on youtube and wanted to share it with some people except i have no one to share it with, but if you love NaLu then this song will hit hard 😭

Words: 1038

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