Part 9: Loke.

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WARNING!: implied rape (TW) ‼️

🔑Lucy's POV:

He was the love of my life, that's all there was to it, I loved him and only him. he was the one i wanted to marry, to grow old with, to have children with, i have all of these thoughts but i'm always stuck with the same on everything.

what does natsu want? does he think of  the same things as me?

through all the pain, through all the trauma, Natsu was here for me he protected me, he made me smile and laugh through the darkest times, and that's one of the reasons why I love him so much.

I'm not sure what I saw but those weren't wizards nor humans, frankly I'm scared that if Natsu and the others go to attack or examine the area they'll get hurt as well.

I look down at the sweet Natsu, his head was laying on my chest I twirled my hand through his hair, my strength was up but i still had a killer headache but I just couldn't sleep, i couldn't shake my head over what those figures were i've never seen one of them in my life.

I slowly slide away from natsu's grip and head for the main building, it was unlocked I know there's a library in here somewhere, just where? I turn right to left, looking for some kind of entrench, I see pair of double doors a top of it had Library printed at the top.

I know natsu would be mad if he knew I wasn't in bed so I'm probably not going to say anything in the morning unless I find something  about this.

I open the doors to see it's already lit up by the candle chandeliers that hung from the ceilings, the room was dimly lit but still light enough for the bare human eye to read through a book clearly.

I start to search, something about these beings that attacked me. Okay so what I know so far.. They cant afflict a celestial being, nor can can the celestial spirit do the same back.. What were they?

I had no clue where or how to start, maybe Loke would know something about this, i assume in the celestial being.

"Yes Lucy, you look sexy in those clothing" he quickly begins.

"Not the time for flirting Loke, we have a problem" i didn't take my eyes off of the books stacked on the shelves.

"Are you sure, master?" he walks up to me and puts his hands on my hips, and pushes his body against mine. Something like this was normal for Loke but it made me feel uncomfortable. especially because of my feelings for natsu.

"What the hell are you doing Loke, Natsu will kill you" His grip tightens snd my frown grows, normally he isn't like this.

"Loke, let me go." I push him away.

"Oh Lucy.. you know Natsu is asleep, we can do whatever we want" his green eyes look into mine, I've never seen him like this.

"I have a boyfriend"

"Natsu isn't your boyfriend, you guys don't even know what you are yet" the celestial being replied.

he walks up to me again and puts his hand on my lower area, that was enough.

"LOKE" I slap his face hard in hopes itd give him the hint finally, but it looks like it didn't affect him whats so ever.

"I LOVE NATSU! LEAVE ME ALONE OR ELSE" I shout in a louder voice, anyone else would be able to see i was being serious.

This was my celestial being, i couldn't hurt him.

He puts his hand in my shorts and one on my breast, a tear starts to form in my eyes, what was Loke doing? This isn't him

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