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I look myself up and down in the mirror. Ok, it's like six in the afternoon and I'm only just getting changed out of my uniform but, if I'm being honest, I'm not that bothered and I want to look good tonight. Sure, it's only dinner with the family but we have a special guest tonight and it's not a crime to want to look good for my boyfriend, same as always. I'm wearing jeans and a light coloured t shirt, not too tight which is good because my parents probably wouldn't approve of that. Besides, I can only really pull that off when Yachi's there to give me advice because I can't put outfits together to save my damn life.

I hear a knock at the door and run downstairs. "I'll get it!" I unlock the door and basically throw it open. What can I say? I'm excited! "Tsukki! Hey!" I smile up at my tall boyfriend, taking his hand and pulling him into the house. "Mum! Dad! Natsu! Kei's here!" I lock the door behind him, I don't want him to escape anytime soon. I'm just kidding!... unless.

It's mum who comes to greet him first, coming out of the kitchen to say hi. Hopefully dad doesn't burn anything while she's not there. Dad's usually good at cooking but he seems to forget how our stove works whenever he spends long periods of time out of the country so mum has to help him out with it for like the first week until he remembers. "Oh, so you're the boy my son keeps talking about."

A small smile creeps across his face. "Aww Sho, you never said you talk about me." He ruffles my hair, it doesn't matter I couldn't get it to cooperate anyway. "That's very sweet of you, sugar."

I feel a blush grow on my cheeks. I know this isn't the first time he's called me sugar but it's still as cute as it always is. "Well yeah, I thought you'd figure it out considering I love you..." I look up at him with a small smile. "Also, you're pretty clever so I didn't think I'd have to tell you, Tsukki."

Tsukki opens his mouth to reply to me but mum gets there first. "Aww well aren't you two the cutest little couple? Stop standing by the door and come and sit down at the table." She basically pulls us through into the house and we sit down at the table. "Your dad and I will have finished the food soon, ok?"

"Mhm, that's fine!" I smile at her and she walks off into the kitchen. "Thanks mum!" I shout after her, she gives me a thumbs up around the kitchen door before disappearing again. Why is she even asking us if it's ok? She's the adult here, we're just the kids. Mind you, she's probably trying to seem nicer in front of Kei, he is the guest after all but she's always nice so I don't see what the deal is.

Natsu's already got her eyes locked onto my boyfriend, that innocent little smile on her face which only means one thing, he's about to get bombarded with questions. "So you're nii chan's boyfriend?" She leans forward towards him slightly and... I think she's examining him. "Ooh! You and nii san are gonna have really pretty children!"

I go bright red and I feel my eyebrows shoot up. "Natsu!" If I was having a drink, I definitely would've spat it across the table but, luckily, I was not. "Jesus how do you even know about that? Besides, that's not how biology works so please-" I need to stop now before I go off on a big old lecture towards my baby sister. How the hell does she even know this stuff? Kids these days... wait no I take that back I sound like a boomer.

Kei chuckles. "I don't know Natsu, maybe one day but if you ever do become an auntie it won't be biological." Ah yes Kei, because my still-in-elementary-school sister understands the concept of adoption. We get it, you're clever and understood everything at the age of four but that doesn't mean my sister's the same.

She blinks at him, her head tilted slightly in confusion. "What does biolography mean?"

I laugh a little and smile. "Biological, Natsu. Not biolography." Am I going to explain to her what biological means? No, I really can't be bothered because for every question I answer she's only going to come up with about seventy more.

Mum comes back through with the plates and sits down. "Shoyo, stop confusing your sister." She smiles at me and dad sits down beside her. "Now shut up and eat up, your dad and I put effort into this." Yeah, mhm you go ahead and say that. Honestly, I thought they always put effort into it. I've tried cooking before and it's really hard even when I put all my effort into it. Anyway, time to eat.

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