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Well yesterday happened and, much to my surprise, I didn't hate it. Yes I did just say that. I didn't mind going on a date with Hinata, so what? It's not like it's weird or anything, you're supposed to enjoy going on dates with people. I mean, maybe not when you don't like the person but still, my point stands and it was a better waste of time than... whatever the fuck I would've been doing if I stayed at home instead. Probably either studying, reading or trying to reach that damn next level on whatever game I feel like.

Maybe Hinata would come over and play games with me one day. Wait what? Ew, you nerd, did you seriously just ask yourself that? Oh yes what a great idea for a second quote on quote date, just chilling and playing video games like fucking friends do. If you want to be romantic with someone, don't do friendly shit. Honestly Kei, how dumb are you? I also just said that I want him in my house which is... well I think it's incorrect but I honestly don't know anymore. Damn it Hinata! Why do you do these things to my head, you little shit!

Every time I try and divert my train of thought, he jumps straight back into my head. I should go out for a walk and clear my mind but it's freezing and I lent my damn hoodie to Hinata. Oh but boy did he look cute in that hoodie. If you ask me, it makes it worth freezing to death. I should've taken a picture. Oh the things I would've done with that pictu-STOP THINKING! Holy fuck what is wrong with me today? That is not a normal way of thinking about someone.

Wait. Hold up. Hear me out, hear me the fuck out!...Am I catching feelings? No, I am absolutely not catching feelings!...but am I? I mean, think about it for a second. It would explain all these quote on quote weird thoughts I've been having about the little fucker. It would also explain why I thought he looked cute in my hoodie or just plain cute in general. Oh, and don't forget about it basically being the only logical reason for me asking him on a date. Yup, I've definitely caught feelings.

Ok now the question is what the fuck I'm supposed to do about it. I mean, I've never been that good with emotions and shit so this is definitely way outside my comfort zone. How am I supposed to deal with this? Do I ask him on another date? Will he catch on? Don't be stupid, it's Hinata he's dense as fuck. I'm going to have to confess but how the hell do I even go about it? Love letter? Nah, too cliche and cringe for my style. He'd definitely think it was fake. Meet on the roof or any other secluded place in the school? Absolutely not, he'd probably just think I'm going to beat the ever loving shit out of him. I don't think he's a paranoid person but... shut up! I have to prepare for the worst.

Damn it what do I do? I'm fresh out of ideas, not that I had many ideas in the first place. Maybe I could ask Yachi, she had some... well she gave me advice, I'm not going to comment on what I thought of it but advice is advice. If she helped me once then she'll help me again. Yes, I'll ask her tomorrow after practice. Finally, some kind of plan for figuring this shit out.

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