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It's currently half past twelve on a Sunday afternoon. If this was any other Sunday I'd probably still be in bed doing shit but not today. Want to know why? Because I was a dumbass and decided it was a good idea to let Hinata, my quote on quote soulmate who I kissed for no said reason and probably freaked him out completely, convince me to help him study. How fun. Mind you, I did get free coffee out of it which is a bonus because I really needed it this morning. I was very tempted to tell Hinata not to get coffee because he's hyper enough without caffeine and I don't need the headache right now but that's not a great thing to say when he's paying. He's gone hyper, I can see it in the stupid grin on his face, it's much wider than usual and he's bouncing up and down in his chair. This kid...

"Oi Shrimpy." At this point I've had enough. I tried to let him have his little hyper moment but it's seriously pissing me off. I just want to get this over with so I can go home and crash out again. "Can you shut up and focus? You asked me to help you study, not babysit your hyper ass."

I'm not exactly trying to sound intimidating but the look on Hinata's face says otherwise. "Y-yes! S-sorry!" He stammers, sitting still again, thank god, and looking down at his hands. What's wrong with him? Usually he'd argue with me about the whole babysitting statement but apparently not today. Is he sick? Well, he's definitely sick in the head but that's not what I'm talking about. Forget Costa, we should be studying at the damn hospital. Not that I care or anything.

I need to change the subject before I think too much into the way he's acting. "Anyway... osmosis. That's one of the things on your test, right?" Hinata nods slowly, still looking down. Jeez he's being so weird. "Ok, so let's start easy. Osmosis is the movement of water from a low to a high concentration." I cut a few words out of the definition in the textbook because there's no way Hinata would understand if I left them in. "You got that?"

He doesn't say anything, just looks at me with that stupid, confused expression that he loves to do so much. I swear he does it to annoy me, it pisses me off how cute he looks. "Sorry sorry... can you repeat that?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "You weren't even listening to me, were you?" He doesn't respond properly, just bites his lip and looks off to the left somewhere. Yup, there's definitely something up with him. "Is something distracting you? You're clearly not focused." I basically spit the words out. I do have the right to do so though, he seriously dragged me out here to help him study and he's not even focusing.

He shakes his head. Finally! A proper god damn answer! "It's nothing much..." His voice is quiet for once. That's very out of character for Mr always loud and hyper. "Just... I mean, I guess you're the problem..."

I raise my eyebrows. "Ok. If I'm the problem then I'll leave." I stand up, collecting my textbooks and getting ready to go. "I never wanted to be here anyway but thanks for the free coffee, I guess."

"Wait!" Hinata's voice stops me in my tracks. I don't know why but he actually sounds in control of himself for the first time today, it's freaking me out a little bit to be honest. Suddenly, he stands up and steps in front of me. I assume he's trying to stop me walking off which is stupid, if I wanted to keep going then I could easily just push him out of the way and be done with it. But I won't. I'm intrigued as to how he's going to talk his way out of this one. "It's..." His face has gone redder. My suspicions were correct, he has a fever. "It's a good kind of problem..."

I scoff, covering my my mouth with my hand. "A good kind of problem? Don't be stupid Shrimpy. A problem is a problem, they're not good so don't try and talk your way out of this using that bullshit. Thanks in advance."

"It is a good kind of problem!" Much to my dismay, he's being loud again. Honestly, he needs to learn to be quiet. There are other people here and he's disturbing them. "What? Isn't being in love with you a good thing? Because I sure as hell think it is!"

My expression changes from amused to shocked. I drop my hands to my sides, looking down at him with raised eyebrows. "Excuse me, what?" Of all the things, I wasn't expecting that to be his problem. It's now Hinata's turn to cover his mouth, mumbling something about saying too much. I shake my head. "Wow, you have terrible taste."

"I don't-" He cuts himself off, sighing and turning away. "Whatever... thanks for helping me study today..." He walks off, leaving me by myself. What the hell? Was he joking? I hope he was joking, I don't know how to reject me soulmate, that doesn't seem right. Or maybe I should give him a chance, what's the worst that could happen?

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