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I actually can't believe that I'm doing this. If you told past me a couple of months ago that I'd end up falling in love with Hinata I'd call you crazy and call the local asylum and yet here I am, only a few months later, about to ask one of his best friends how I should confess to him. Yup, I've definitely lost my mind. Well, lucky for me I'm early for practice so there's no chance of anyone overhearing this and telling him. I don't need Hinata finding out from anyone who isn't me. He'd freak out and either think it was all a joke from me or think that the person who told him was trying to make him look stupid. In other words it really wouldn't go down well.

Oh shit, there's Yachi. She's not holding anything thank god. If I scared her and she dropped it it'd be really fucking annoying. "Yachi." I call out to her, walking over. She doesn't jump which is surprise. She just turns to face me with... well you know that look that the villains have in movies when they're all like 'I was expecting you'? It's exactly like that. Do you reckon she was expecting me? Oh hell no, let's not go down that rabbit hole. This isn't a movie, this is reality.

"I know what you're here to ask." Well shit, looks like I was wrong. Or is she bluffing? She's probably bluffing and I'll put money on the fact that someone put her up to it. Who did it, I don't know but someone definitely did. "You're here to ask about Hinata, right?" Holy fuck how does she know? HOW DOES SHE KNOW?! I doubt this is a bluff because she just hit my reason for being here right on the god damn nose!

I fold my arms. "Yeah, I am. How did you know?" My voice is way too aggressive for my liking. I usually stick to passive aggression and sarcasm, especially in a situation like this. I mean, let's be honest, if I end up scaring Yachi then I'm fucked on the help front.

She clicks her tongue, examining her nails. She's acting like one of those Netflix drama girls, it's throwing me off. This is really out of character for her. Just for the record, I totally don't watch Netflix dramas it's just that Yamaguchi showed me a couple and she reminds me of one of them. "I have my sources." That's really weird. Like, super weird. Like, stalker level of weird.

I try to shake off the uneasiness. "Whatever, just...do you have any advice?" I can't believe I'm asking this. Pride? What's that? Sounds like something I used to have until about two minutes ago.

"What kind of advice?" A smirk crawls across her face. It really pisses me off, smirking is my thing stop stealing it you little shit. Thanks in advance.

Well, this is it. I'm about to swallow my pride once and for all. Here we go gamers, let's get this god damn break. Did I just think that unironically? I think the fuck I did. What are you going to do about it? Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. I'm distracting myself now. Just ask the question Kei, jeez. "Can you help me ask Hinata out?" My voice gets gradually quieter as I speak but can you really blame me? This is so embarrassing and... well it's pathetic really. How did I sink this fucking low?

She folded her arms and clicked her tongue again. Honestly Yachi, stop clicking your tongue before the sound of it kills me. "Well, there's only one way that you'll have the balls to do." Well excuse you, I've got more balls then you ever could dream of having. "Text him."

"...Excuse me what now?" Do you have any idea how annoying texting someone this shit can be? I'll rewrite the message at least ten times and I will bet money on that figure being correct.

Her smirk gets wider. "You heard me."

I can't fucking believe this. For one, why didn't I think of this for myself? For two, why is she looking so damn smug about this? It's like she knew this was going to happen all along. I sigh. "Fine, I'll do it. Now wipe that smirk off your face before I wipe it off myself."

She holds her hand out and I shake it. "Pleasure doing business with you Tsukishima." What business? Last time I checked, no deals were made and no money was exchanged. Well, one exchange was made. I exchanged my pride for the advice that I needed. Even though it hurts, what's done is done and I have no regrets. I'll text him tomorrow, that gives me a whole night to figure out what I'm going to say.

"The pleasure's all mine." I spit out the words, turning on my heel and walking away. This is going to be interesting.

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