Chapter 141: Longing Chulian

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Travelling to Xianyang until they reach Chu State will take three days at most if one has to stay in an inn for ample rest. Two more days and the capital of Chu State will be in sight, the city of Shouchun.

Yun Ren Xie's group had been continously having a trip for five days at most as they rest in the city of Cai, Jiang Yi Huai said they need to rest here for a day before continuing tomorrow. She cant sleep that night as if something is about to happen once they reach Shouchun, Yun Ren Xie decided to stand on her balcony while gazing at the starry sky. It looked quite pretty but its beauty is what Yun Ren Xie felt as an ominous sign. She doesnt know why, everything is wrong. There is something amiss or either, something important that she had forgotten.

"Cant sleep?" a voice came from her side as she turned, beside her room is where Nian Feng settled. He is calmly sitting on top of the railing while his back leaned at the wooden pillar, Nian Feng's gaze is shot upward as he drank a bottle of wine.

"En." Yun Ren Xie answered, silence can be heard afterward when Nian Feng suddenly stared at her.

"What do you think about Jiang Yi Huai?"

"Sir Jiang?" she knitted her brows before turning at him, Yun Ren Xie had no idea what he is talking about. "Sir Jiang is brave, strong and gentle. That is from my perspective but I dont know what Sir Nian is thinking."

Nian Feng chuckled, his figure quickly vanished and within a second, he stood beside Zhao Chulian. "That's way too simple. He's not as kind as Ah Lian thinks. Even I fell to his facade but realized how he is playing with us." he took another sip at the wine however, it is already empty. Nian Feng sighed and threw it outside.

"Huh?" Yun Ren Xie began to feel confused.

"Nothing." he shook his head and stared at Zhao Chulian, her eyes were still tantalizing as they were like that night but it is already different. Those pair of unique red iris arent empty as it used to, it was filled with life and emotions. Her innocence and clueless gaze made Nian Feng hold his laughter. She really had no idea.

"Sir Nian, New Year is about to happen just a few days. I wish to bring you too in dage's manor to celebrate it but Im unsure if he will agree. Every New Year he would always feed me rice balls and we would try to compete who will find the copper coin first. There are lots more of activities and food to eat, since Sir Nian is my friend, I wanted to stretch an invitation." Yun Ren Xie changed the subject, the more she tried to ask him about what he said, the harder she will comprehend it.

He reached his hand out to pat her head gently as if Zhao Chulian is a child but she didnt move. "Im not a child anymore. Is this allowed?" she threw a meanful gaze at him but it doesnt look fierce for him at all, Zhao Chulian possesses a figure and face of a fragile beauty that even the previous Fang Ye Xue and Yun Ren Xie looked identical with, as for Xiao Bai Xue, she had a great resemblance of them but not much identical.

"You act like a maiden, ah." he chuckled and retrieved his hands, Nian Feng suddenly realized he had forgottem his sorrows for a moment. "Have a goodnight, farewell." Nian Feng swiftly disappeared within the night, leaving Zhao Chulian lonely while contemplating her thoughts.

Jiang Yi Huai is showing a facade? If so, what does he want to do? She can only wait for the unforeseen move of him.

The very next day, Yun Ren Xie saw a new set of clothes on top of her bed. It was left by Jiang Yi Huai, saying she needs to wear the formal clothes. The set of clothes he left for her were somewhat beautiful in a simple way, a light blue hanfu with furry sleeves.

She obediently wore it after taking a bath and went outside where the men are. Even Jiang Yi Huai and Nian Feng are wearing formal clothes. As they proceeded towards Shouchun, the speed of the carriage is rather fast and they reached the capital just as dusk is about to settle.

The carriage finally come to a stop, Yun Ren Xie exited with full excitement when a hand reached out from the closed curtain. She placed her hand on top of it as she stepped outside, Jiang Yi Huai's smiling face greeted her. Yun Ren Xie returned a thankful smile when at the corner of her eyes, she saw Nian Feng clench his fist.

Lifting her gaze, her mouth gaped in surprise. The Crown Prince Manor.... Its all designed with red!


"Ah Lian, why not come inside?" Jiang Yi Huai still have his gentle smile as he guided her inside, there were officials everywhere, having a drink, chatting, feasting, some would occassionally glance at the new arrivals.

"Enough!" Nian Feng suddenly said in a low tone as he grabbed Zhao Chulian's other hand.

"Why so?" Jiang Yi Huai raised a brow at him, he suddenly let out a soft sigh. "Its a pity we arrived late. Let's go." he forcefully let out an oppressive aura that even Nian Feng cant handle as he freed Zhao Chulian.

Yun Ren Xie threw a confused gaze at both of them but she quickly turned to observe her surroundings. Everything were red, the Manor she lived in were designed in red fabrics hanging on the wall. Someone married? Is it....

She refused to believe and strode inside without Jiang Yi Huai. "I never thought your this ruthless!" Nian Feng sent a glare at the silent Jiang Yi Huai.

"Im leaving. Take a good care of Ah Lian afterwards." a smile formed on his face, Jiang Yi Huai left the manor while being stared by Nian Feng.

Yun Ren Xie rushed in the inner courtyard and went to the main hall, the maids and servants bowed to her having recognized the foster sister of Xiang Zihui had arrived. She didnt pay any attention until she went inside the large banquet hall of Crown Prince Manor.

There stood amidst the flocks of young and old official is a man in red brocade, his long white hair were tied into a scholarly type while keeping a calm appearance. He wouldnt respond instead, the man would just nod.

She stopped mid way and stared at him, this is the Xiang Zihui she never saw. A handsome young man Zhao Chulian never caught a glimpse of, Yun Ren Xie felt like he is familiar. And those unreadable purple eyes were enchanting for her.

Suddenly, as if sensing her gaze, the man lifted his head. He saw a pair of clear red eyes that were looking at him with surprise. "Ah Lian." Xiang Zihui stood up and left the crowd of ministers, his stride were fast as he reached her side.

"B-Brother Zihui...." Yun Ren Xie felt her nose getting sour that she lowered her head but after some time, she managed to reign her emotions and smiled at him blandly. "Are- are you married with Heng jiejie?"

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