Chapter 28: The Emperor and I

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"Tell me exactly." Gu Ling narrowed his eyes at Yun Ren Xie who is standing near the fireplace.

The first thing he heard from this girl after he woke up is ordering him to take his master inside the log cabin. This place seems clean and there is only two rooms available inside. Both of them are now in the dining hall where they lit the fireplace.

He watched Yun Ren Xie who is calmly sitting there while hugging her knees, she looked much paler and weak, this made Gu Ling have the thought of pulling this girl into his embrace and keep her safe. But he knew his limits, thus, Gu Ling only sat on a divan near her.

"Tell what?" Yun Ren Xie looked up, her bloody red iris were long gone and only a pool of pure dark orbs were left which gave off the feeling of indiffrence. She do not clearly understand what he is implying. After they let Li Si rest on one of the bedchamber, she left and went straight to lit a source of heat. Her body felt extremely cold and her headache have come again. When the fireplace was lit through her authority, she sat beside it to stay warm. Gu Ling then followed her and said those nonsencial stuff she thought.

Hearing her innocent answer, Gu Ling cant hold it anymore. "What did you do? How come our wounds were gone? Is it you who fought with me against those assassins? Where's your companion? Why are you alone when I woke up?" he stood up and started questioning Yun Ren Xie.

The girl retracted her gaze, focusing on the dancing tail of fire. Her eyes were empty, Gu Ling cant decipher anything at all. "Will you believe me?" she started, laying her chin on her elbow that was resting above her knee.

Gu Ling did not expect this outcome. "I am, do you trust me?"

Yun Ren Xie looked back at him, her lips were tightly pressed together. "I do." she smiled gently but no emotions at all. "If I say Im an immortal, will you still believe me?" a hint of mockery can be traced from her voice, her smile is still there.

"You....." Gu Ling stared at her with disbelief. On what basis can she call herself an immortal? Suddenly, he knew that one of his questions were answered. How did all his and his master's wound disappeared? This girl might have cured them like those of huabens filled with fantasies.

"If I say me and the shadow of me killed them all, will you believe it?" she asked once more. Her smile getting more wider.

Another question is answered, two of them? "How?" he asked.

"Shadow." Yun Ren Xie snapped her fingers, a pair of eyes opened from the shadows beside the fireplace where the light cant reach. They stared at Gu Ling who is dumbfounded at the moment, those pair of frigid eyes were sending him fear. When he have seen enough, Yun Ren Xie snapped her fingers once more and the living shadow hid its presence. Just then, Yun Ren Xie coughed severely that she nearly fell on the floor, thankfully, she stretched her other arm for support.

Gu Ling was startled and held the girl, pulling her into a warm hug. He was surprise to feel her body emit coldness, worries filled his heart as he held her more tightly.

"I trust you to keep it. Will you?" Yun Ren Xie kept smiling, she almost cant hold on. She leaned her shoulder on Gu Ling's chest while closing her eyes for a sleep.

"Will you?" she repeated.

"You can. Rest." Gu Ling worriedly said. But before he can even plant a kiss on her forehead, Yun Ren Xie mysteriously vanished. He was shock, Gu Ling ran everywhere to find Yun Ren Xie but he cant find her.

Baoshi have just used the system to pull her host inside the void and bring her back inside the Snow Lotus Palace. Another day came, Yun Ren Xie was all alone in her bedchamber, the sun is already setting down. Her complexion was really pale, Yunling is so worried about it. Her young miss is thinking deeply since she woke up in the afternoon.

"Yunling, get me some tea."

Yunling complied and left. Just then, Baoshi appeared beside Yun Ren Xie.

"Host, do you know why Ying Zheng is still not coming to check on you?" Baoshi started.

"Hm? So he kept coming here, huh."

"Mm. Emperor Ying Zheng just heard the news that Prime Minister Li Si is missing. He have dispatched lots of his guards to find him and the Emperor is still inside his study, really anxious!"

"Wait, Li Si is missing?"

"Young Miss, here's your tea."

Baoshi vanished in instant. Yunling have just come and served the tea to her miss. "Prime Minister Li Si is still unconscious, Gu Ling havent fully recovered yet. And host, there's three more assassins that are wandering in the mountain, will you go?"

"Those targets!" Yun Ren Xie gritted her teeth, after all, she have gone through many obstacles saving them but another wave of trouble have come once more.

Yunling saw how her young miss grind her teeth, she was wondering why. Is the tea too hot? Maybe its cold?

"Baoshi, tell me when will Li Si wake up."

"Host, Im not sure but I think it would be this dusk."

"Yunling, pack some basket of fruits and three meals. Dont ask why and if someone come here, tell them to go back. I wont be seeing visitors today. Oh, go buy some set of clothes for men also. Your not allowed to tell anyone. If they ask, tell them to stick their toungue out of this." Yun Ren Xie sipped at her tea. She was thinking of going back.

Just as Yunling bring the things her master needed, she was dismissed by Yun Ren Xie. The night in the capital is usually quiet, but this time, guards and soldiers were looking for the Right Prime Minister. Even the Emperor cant sleep, he kept walking around his study room, waiting for his shadow guards to bring a positive result.

Yunling was walking around the palace, holding a lamp. She noticed her young miss' courtyard still full of light. Yunling entered her master's bedchamber only to see her sleeping, her back facing Yunling. She smiled in satisfaction as she put off the candle lights inside the bedchamber and left. When the doors sliding sound echoed, Yun Ren Xie opened her eyes, she instantly went to her consciousness and went towards the log cabin located on top of the mountain.

She appeared in dark suit once more, just as she did, three person from the shadows glanced at each other. One of them made the first move, he raised his hand to hit the girl's nape. Yun Ren Xie materialized her scythe and turned swiftly, she quickly held it in two hands while raising the scythe upward, her waist bended. Before the assassin could even move, he caught a glance of the girl in dark mask, her red bloody iris made him froze on the spot until his raised arm was cut cleanly.

The other two assassins were surprised to see their subordinate being harmed critically by a small young girl.

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