Chapter 48: Shadow of Naginata Blades

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Two days have passed, Soma no longer left the yard. She spent her days talking with Ishi or playing the flute. Some of the braver samurais will often peek at their Third Unit Captain's yard in order to watch the fair maiden playing a jadeite flute. Whenever Saito arrived, he will always see these men flocking on the wall of his yard. In fit of anger, he would beat them with his kicks and after entering the yard, Soma will look at him with a confused gaze.

"Oniisan, you've got dirt all over your face!" Yun Ren Xie will fetch a dampened white cotton handkerchief then  wipe Saito's face. Even his uniform is full of dust!

"Its fine." he held Soma's hand gently, Saito quickly removed his grasp and sighed. "Would you like to go outside for a stroll?"

She tilted her head, showing how confused she is. The last time Saito let her go outside, he nearly lost his gentle side. Yun Ren Xie is afraid of provoking her brother. "But.... oniisan, arent you guarding today?"

"Yes. I can still accompany you though."

"You'll just get angry anyway." she crossed her arms. Her cheeks were puffed, in Saito's view, his sister looked more like a squirrel.

"I wont get angry. Im by your side anyway." he smiled. Saito realized how Soma was traumatized by his previous actions.

"Then what about Ishi?"

"She can come." he suddenly flicked Soma's forehead which caused her to hiss.

"Oniisan is bullying me!" she grunted while rubbing her forehead.

On the other side, Hijikita met four important guests. Kondo Isami, Soma Kaozue, Ruso Akayama and a shogun representative came, Enomoto Daichi.

"Might as well hand this mission to you." Daichi handed Hijikita a folded paper.

"A woman came to us claiming a girl called Soma Katsu helped an assassin from escaping the scene, the seven year old girl who tried to assassinate Mister Enomoto during Ouka Festival." Kondo Isami have said.

After hearing Soma's name, Hijikita went stiff. "Who.... who is the woman?" he can only ask. One person is in his mind....

"She never mentioned her name however, she claimed that both she and Soma have identical face. Evidences were given to us to prove Soma guilty, few people were interrogated and told us the same answer." Ruso Akayama added.

"Here is the portrait. We were occupied by our own business so frankly we cant handle this matter for now. Only you can finish the job." Kaozue stepped in front, giving Hijikita the small painting.

Without any need of opening it, he knew it was Okoto who is behind this!

"That Soma needs to be silenced before the higher ups do. We will be labeled as an unresponsible commanders if that girl wont vanish." Ruso Akayama sipped at his tea, something is making him feel flushed however.

"Oniisan, I want kyoho!" Yun Ren Xie playfully grabbed Saito's arm. He can only shake his head.

"Just pick another fruit. They are out of stock already."

"But I only want kyoho!"

Saito's subordinates were watching from behind them. It was as if they dont exist at all! Alsp, they just learnt that this Soma is their captain's little sister. So that explains how aggressive he is when he caught them peeping at her. They not only suffered physical injuries, they also experienced how the intimidating Saito is.

"Here, what about cherries?" Saito turned and picked a perfectly shaped cherry. A small round fruit with dazzling red colour.

"Kyoho?" a familiar voice made Saito look at his sister. Just as he have guessed, this prickly Souji with his subordinates arrived. He was handing Soma a freshly picked kyoho that was neatly placed in a weaved basket.

Yun Ren Xie drooled endlessly and was nearly lost with her desire to eat the kyoho. She hesitated then glanced back at her brother.

"Soma, you've already eaten enough kyoho yesterday. Why not try this cherry?" Saito quickly went beside his sister, showing her the enticing red fruit. It looked juicy somehow but Yun Ren Xie was craving for more kyoho.

"Third Unit Captain, I came here to give this to your sister since she is craving for it. Why not spoil her?" Souji smirked, clearly showing he is challenging Saito for another fight.

Their subordinates can feel how their captain's started to glare at each other. Of course, as the underlings of each boss, they cant miss this chance for supporting them. Yun Ren Xie have sweat all over her nape. Both male leads oppressing aura were making her suffer, add on the glares of their subordinates.

"Whether I spoil her or not, its out of your business." Saito placed his hand on Soma's shoulder, clearly showing Souji he is not his match.

Souji can only smile, but the indiffrence of his smile was evident. "Since I like your sister....." he stopped midway, glancing at the angry Saito. "This small gift is nothing compared to my feelings. I am doing this for with good intentions. Its not like I used a potion on it." Souji scoffed.

Yun Ren Xie felt her brother's grip getting tighter. She sighed heavily. "Oniisan, Souji is my friend so its natural for him to gift me. Also, you just promised me something this morning."

Soon, Saito finally relaxed. He let go of her shoulder before nodding. Yun Ren Xie walked towards Souji, she grabbed the basket slowly, porpusely holding Souji's hand. She went back to Saito's side and left the market.

Souji glanced at his hand, she just left a piece of paper. As dusk invaded their sight, Souji lit his lamp inside his room. Opening the folded paper Soma have given him.

After reading the letter, he quickly crumpled the paper, throwing it in fit of anger.

Outside, Yun Ren Xie is watching him on top of the sakura tree. "Host, what have you written on it?" Baoshi curiously asked.

She only watched Souji. Her eyes observing how disappointed he is. "Host, arent you going to console him? Look how frustrated he is." Baoshis impatiently asked.

The wooden gate suddenly opened and a girl at the age of sixteen entered the yard. She quickly rushed at Souji's room before stopping at the door.

"Lets go." Yun Ren Xie stood up, jumping outside the yard.

Nakano Takeko have arrived after a girl came to her own estate. Saying Souji is in trouble, in her anxiousness, Nakano rushed in only to see a frustrated Souji.

She saw a piece of crumpled paper on the floor the pick it up.

Souji, I dont deserve you more than Nakano do. To tell you the truth, I'll be leaving Tokyo a few days later with oniisan. Im afraid I wont be able to see you again. Nakano Takeko will come tonight, treat her well. She loves you more than I do and I already have someone in my heart. Forgive me for rejecting you and quickly forget about me.

Glancing at Souji with disbelief, Nakano can tell how angry he is. But, who is this girl?

"Get out." Souji ruffled his long dark hair in fit of ire, pointing at the open door.


"I told you get out! I dont need you here so why be stubborm?!" Souji raised his voice, his cyan blue eyes gleaming with coldness.

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