Chapter 27- Being Blunt

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Sasuke and I’s walk consisted of awkward coughing, and me chasing magpies. Obviously I got swooped, but that was the fun of it. Finally, Sasuke stopped us.

“I want to ask you something.” I glanced at him, pursing my lips.

“I was having fun, idiot.” Sasuke rolled his eyes, and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

“Mr Uchiha is getting serious, is he?” Sasuke ignored my jab, opting to just continue on with what he was going to say in the first place.

“Are we still together, or has that ended?” Ah, yes. The question I’d been killing myself over for oh-so long. I sighed, scratching the back of my head to try and buy time. In the end, I just answered honestly.

“I don’t know.” Sasuke merely nodded, not seeming affected at all.

“I figured as much.” My eyes narrowed as something tugged at my chest, anger, I think it was.

“That’s it?” I snapped, “I’ve been killing myself over this, and all you have to say is ‘I figured as much’?” I pushed him, my temper getting out of control. “You don’t even look the least bit sad!” Sasuke closed his eyes, sighing.

“Jess, I just don’t feel the same things I did back when I was a kid.” My jaw went slack at his blatant confession.

“As much as I appreciate the honesty,” I hissed through gritted teeth, “You didn’t have to lead me along like you did.” Sasuke’s brow rose,

“Me lead you along?” He chuckled, “From what I remember, you’d play along, and you’d hit on me a fair few times as well.” I crossed my arms and took in a deep breath, accepting that he was right. I wasn’t completely innocent either; in fact, I’d given him a fake confession form the very beginning.

“I guess I don’t have any right to be angry at you-“ I looked up, realising that he was already continuing down the path. With my teeth gritted, I followed him. “Where are you going to sleep?” I asked, trying to regain the normality we’d lost so abruptly.

“I’ll worry about that.” I glared at the back of the Uchiha’s head, considering starting a fight. Then, I thought against it. It was obvious he’s kick my ass, for I was merely a normal person, and he grew up in the Naruto World.

Damn him and his birthplace.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” My input was abrupt, for we’d been walking a fair while without saying much. The Uchiha stopped in the middle of the pathway, but didn’t turn to me. “Sasuke,” I crouched, ready to jump away. “Try not to make the wrong decisions.” And then I was gone, like those cliché cool characters in anime.


“Ow. Ow. Ow.” I groaned, sitting up in the hard, animefied, bed. As soon as I’d gotten home, I’d collapsed into my bed. I was in my own house now, the stitches still in my arm. I was unable to go on any missions for a while, because of the ‘emotional trauma’. However, if they knew I’d been seeing Sasuke for a fair few days straight, I think they’d understand that I had no trauma from our encounter.

I was, however, jumpy. Today was the day Kakashi had convinced me to tell Sai, Sakura and Naruto about my double life. So, as I rose from my bed with shaky legs, I got dressed as slowly as possible, buying time. When I was done, however, I forced myself to move towards my lounge room.

Kakashi had guaranteed that they’d all be there by the time I woke up, and that was rather nerve wracking. So, you can imagine my disappointment when I entered the desired room, and there they all were, right on time. Even Naruto! What witchcraft had Kakashi used to make this happen?!

I didn’t say a word as I sat down on a large armchair, sighing as I sunk into the cushions. Silence wrapped around everyone in the room, weighing heavily on all shoulders. Until finally, I spoke up, and started explaining everything. From the very beginning, where I woke up in Sasuke’s house, to now, where Sasuke was in my world. I didn’t cut any corners, and they all stayed quiet, although their faces changed frequently. Obviously, they weren’t expecting this sort of confession.

“So, you’ve been seeing Sasuke frequently?” Naruto repeated, speaking for the first time throughout the whole speech. “And, you’re not from around here… at all?”

“No, I’m not from around here. And, yes, Sasuke and I are in most classes, so we’re forced to stay in close contact.” I took note of Kakashi’s approving node, obviously happy to have the whole team know my secret.

I briefly wondered if he’s been placed under pressure about my secret, and took a few seconds to feel bad. Then, I let it go. Everything was out in the open now, and we both felt better about that.

“So,” Sakura started, breaking me out of my thoughts, “That’s why you didn’t want to tell me what it was like when you were dead?” I nodded, sighing.

“Yeah, because I wasn’t really dead, so I didn’t know what to tell you. Plus,” I added, “I was in a bad mood, so, yeah.” Sakura’s eye twitched, before we all looked to Sai, who hadn’t uttered a word the whole time.

He blinked at the sudden attention, “What?” He asked, sounding genuinely confused.

“Do you have anything to ask?” There was silence for a few seconds, before he decided an answer.

“No.” I clicked my tongue, standing.

“Welp,” My limbs cracked as I stretched, “I think my work is done.” A glint appeared in my eye, “NowI’mgoingtorunaaylikethemoodyteenageragainlikeIdidwhenIwasyoungerokaysobye!” Before anyone had the chance to process what I had just said, I was gone. I’d jumped through a closed window, breaking a hole in the glass, and sprinted down the street.

“De ja vu…” Was the last thing I’d heard Kakashi mutter. 


ughughugh you have no idea how dissapointed I am with this story right now. crying TT.TT. But, I have some stories that I won't be dissapointed with, though :D but, I have a problem with those too, so i want your oppinion. Please? *-*

I have some stories that i want to write, but I can't decide which one I want to start first. TOO MANY PAIRINGS 9UQAIODSJK and, they're not Sasuke based c: which is why I'm asking you guys: What stories out of these would you want delivered first, maybe? (I might write more than one at a time)

1. Itachi story
2. Hidan story
3. Deidara story

It's up to you guys to influence me :D right now, I'm going to continue writing the Hidan story, mostly because I'm in love with the character <33 (her name is Courage qruaidsjk she's ma bby okok) and then maybe the Itachi story. I haven't picked the Deidara story up in a while, but I have a fair few chapters of that story writen out, and I'm trying to make the chapters for the Deidara story longer, since I want their development to be gradual. okok? I've rambled enough, considering I gave out that massive advertisment last chapter (crying because I feel bad for forcing this all on you) not even kidding, I actually feel bad ><

AND IM STILL RAMBLING 8REAUISDJOK ok, I'm going to stop now, since i can just talk forever. REMEMBER, I LOVE YOU ALL, PRETTIES!! (in a cheesy mood) JA NEEEEE~

(remember to state your oppinion about the three choices ^.^ )

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