Chapter 11- Part 1- Halloween in Konaha

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I sat on the side of Konaha’s streets, bawling my eyes out.

A small, plastic cup was in front of me.

I gripped onto a passer-biers sleeve,

“P-Please!” I sobbed, it was a woman who I had managed to grab, “Please! I need money! M-My boyfriend, he beats me!”  The woman gasped, reached into her pocket, and pulled out $5.

I hid my smirk as she continued walking down the street, obviously disturbed by what I had talk her.

I sniffled again, closed my eyes and reached out into the endless crowd. I grabbed a randoms shirt sleeve and pulled them towards me.

“Please! I need money!” No answer. I kept my eyes clamped shut, giving the illusion that I was afraid. “My boyfriend! He… He beats me if I don’t bring home $100 each night!”

“Do I now?” I instantly stopped my fake crying and looked up slowly at Joseph’s frowning face.

“Uh… Joseph?” He quickly put on his trade mark smirk,

“Hey beautiful, where’s my money?” I chuckled slightly.

“You monster!” Exclaimed the earlier woman, hitting my boyfriend on the back of the head with her purse.

“Ow! What the hell?!” He yelled, spinning around.

“I hope you rot in hell, Bastered!” I fell backwards, gripping at my stomach as my body shook with laughter.

“B-BAKA!” I shouted loudly, making a few people turn their heads.

“Shut up, Jess…” Joseph murmured, lifting me off the ground and giving me a surprise kiss.

After we broke for air, he leaned back and smirked at my shocked face.

“What was that for…?” I asked, blushing crimson. Joseph just chuckled,

“That’s to celebrate our 3 week anniversary.” I grinned,

“Oh yea! That was today, wasn’t it?” He sweat dropped,

“Yes, it’s today.” A glint came to his bright eyes, “Halloween.” I beamed,

“Oh yea! It’s Halloween in Konaha, isn’t it?” Joseph sweat dropped again.

“Didn’t I just say that?” I waved him off,

“Whatever.” I tapped my chin thoughtfully, “Konaha has weird dates and whatnot.”

“Whatnot?” Joseph repeated, “What are you? A…. Smart person??” I went into chibi and blinked at him,

“Smart person?”

“…” I sighed and ignored his fail at a comparison.

“Anyway,” I turned to him with a broad grin, “You have a big performance today, don’t ou?” joseph scratched the back of his head,

“Well… technically it’s tonight but-“ I stared at him with a blank look. “Yea, I have a performance.”  I smiled,

“Come with me.” I demanded, completely changing the subject without warning. “I need to give the money to Kakashi.” Joseph let out a dramatic sigh,

“FIIIIINE! Only because you’ll snap my neck if I say no.”

“Pfft! No!”


Ok, let me catch you up.

Joseph and I have been together for 3 weeks now. In those 3 weeks I’ve been constantly training with Kakashi.

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