Chapter 12

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The three of them stood in a line, waiting.

The first to appear around the corner was Vellum, who was probably sent by Vartan to check on Lucy.
And trailing right behind him, were four guards.

They acted quickly.
Since Caspian was in between Peter and Trumpkin, he went for Vellum, while the other two went for the guards.
Caspian didn't waste any time.
He ran up to Vellum -who was frozen in place from utter shock- and with great speed, swung his sword with amazing strength and parted Vellums head from his shoulders.
After he saw the physical object roll and hit the ground with a thud, he quickly moved on without a second thought.
He saw Trumpkin had already slit one of the guards throats and was on his second target, While Peter and another guard were slowly circling each other waiting for the other to strike.

But where was the fourth?

He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and looked down the hallway where the staircase lie ahead, and saw the last guard starting run down the long hallway in an attempt to escape.
"Trumpkin give me your dagger!" Caspian yelled to the dwarf.

This distracted the guard and Trumpkin withdrew the large dagger from his chest and hurled it quickly, finding its mark in the guards forehead, killing him instantly.
Caspian retrieved the bloody dagger out of the dead mans skull, and quickly spun around and threw it at the retreating figure, the blade hitting in the lower back with a loud sounding thud.
Caspian looked back at Trumpkin and gave him a nod, allowing the dwarf to run ahead and finish the kill.
A loud clash of steel made Caspian look back at Peter -who could have killed the guard instantly and moved on to the next-seemed to be enjoying himself as he sword fought the shaking guard with great poise and skill.
"We don't have any more time for this." Caspian stated and quickly sprung his sword into the mans back and kept pushing until he heard the clink indicating that the blade had gone all the way through.
"I had it sorted." Peter said irritated.
"I know but we don't have time." He said pointing at Lucy.
"Oh right." Peter said as he encased his sword, and gently picked up Lucy.
Caspian felt disappointed that he couldn't carry Lucy, but knew now was not the time to argue.
Caspian too encased his sword as he and Peter walked up the last hallway and met Trumpkin at the staircase.
They went up the never ending spiral stairwell, but finally they saw the heavy locked wooden door up ahead.
Trumpkin pulled out a brass ring with a variety of keys out of his flannel.
"Why is always fifty keys when you only need one." Peter whispered as Trumpkin was trying key after key hoping one of them would fit into the lock. Finally one of the locks went into place, and with a smile, Trumpkin looked up at Peter.
"Got it."
"We don't have time for this." Caspian said exasperated as he looked at Lucy, who was looking more and more lifeless by the minute.
"Your right, she's burning up, Trumpkin we know how to get out of here so lets make this quick."
Trumpkin nodded and slowly opened the door looking to make sure no guards were near. To the right was a dark low ceiling and slim stoned hall in the servants living quarters. And to the left, was giant halls that would expose them, so the servants wing was the quickest and easiest way to get out of the castle without being noticed.

They traveled quietly through the servants domain and they never spoke for fear of being her heard and slipped past each room without being noticed.
"There is the door that indicates the end of the servants wing, and remember that the greatest challenge lies just beyond those doors." Trumpkin whispered as they rounded the last corner. "Just beyond those doors are-" Suddenly a door opened near the wooden doors at the end of the hallway and Trumpkin quickly shoved Caspian and Peter back behind the previous corner, but not before the servant looked at them.

Peter gently set Lucy down against the wall and stood up grabbing the hilt of his sword. "I'll take care of it." He muttered as he started to walk towards the corner, but Caspian grabbed his bicep tightly.
"Peter don't, she did nothing wrong." Caspian whispered back.
"She's blocking our pa-" Peter stopped once he heard light footsteps coming closer to them.
"Don't kill her." Caspian warned.
Peter waved his hand at Caspian, which said he was growing tired of this conversation.
Peter waited just around the corner as the footsteps got closer.

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