Chapter 11

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Part Three

All Caspian knew was when he saw Lucy getting attacked by the Harfangian snake, he had to stop him. He remembered taking a step forward, ready and determined to unsheathe his sword hidden well beneath his cloak and end the mans life whose back was facing him, until Peter had held him back, making reality set back in.

The fact was, they weren't safe here. With only Peter and himself, they would never stand a chance against all of the blasted guards waiting just outside of the cell. And with Lucy so injured, she would only slow them down since they forgot her cordial back at camp. They knew they would never escape, no matter how hard they tried, it would be no use because Drinian and the small band of centaurs outside in the courtyard would never reach them in time in case they were caught.
But they had a plan and both him and Peter knew it was going risk all three of their lives.

"And You two. Stay here. If you don't, you will never see another day. Understood?" Vartan had asked them. He remembered them both nodding, and saying "yes sir" in unison, but had made the mistake of using a rather pathetic Ettinsmoorian accent, which had triggered Lucy's suspicion.Thankfully Vartan must have been troubled thinking about the Narnians awaiting outside in the castles courtyard, for he would have caught it otherwise.

Once the door shut and locked into place, Caspian rushed over to the table to see the face who had haunted him day and night for an entire month. But as he came near her, time completely stopped as he looked at her.
He looked down at her exposed legs, and wanted to kill the two servants who had done what they had to her. From her ankles, upto her thighs, it was nothing but raw tissue, since Vartan had scraped and scratched all of the blistering off, and he could see the severe alteration it had done to her muscles and bones. He suddenly cringed as his gaze moved up to her torso, and saw the mountainous blood staining through the rags she was wearing, and knew it was a very serious injury. But when he looked at her face, his heart completely broke.
No longer did he see pink cheeks leaking of joy and good health, but vivid green and purple bruised cheeks that were tremendously swollen and proved that she had been struck many a time. It made Caspian's blood boil as he thought of someone harming her without him being able to stop her, from feeling the pain she most assuredly had gone through all alone. He no longer saw the beautiful glossy red lips that he had wanted nothing more than to capture them with his, making it haunt his every thought and every dream for the past month, which matched perfectly with her bronzed freckles signifying she practically lived outdoors. For what replaced the angelic complexion, was raging cracked bloodied lips, and a complexion as white as a sheet. Gone were her beautiful emerald eyes that held such mysterious wisdom and compassion that Caspian was just beginning to understand, but what remained were dull, and colorless depths that were severely sunken in and held a slim amount of hope as they slowly glazed over. But when he saw her lifeless eyes meet his, the only thing he wanted to do was kill himself for not being able to protect her.

She whispered his name, her voice weakened, and slipped so far away from him before he could stop her. He cried out to her as loud as he could, but she was gone. "Peter she's dying." Caspian whispered his voice raw and hoarse with emotions he didn't even understand. "What?" Peter had been keeping watch at the door, but hurried over once Caspian broke the news to him. "Her body is going into shock." Caspian stated evenly as he concentrated on the rise and fall of her chest. Caspian suddenly looked at Peter with a grim expression. "There is still time, but we must hurry, in her condition it's going to make the escape plan much more difficult." Peter nodded.
"Her chains need to be cut if she is going to escape." Peter said seriously. They unsheathed their sharpened and polished swords from their cloaks and quickly slashed at her chains, breaking them easily. They suddenly heard someone jiggling with the lock outside and all too soon the heavy door swung open.

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