Chapter 3

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They all stared at the back of their dear friend, who at the moment, looked like he was giving orders to some of his soldiers near the fire. Lucy and Edmund were very happy to see Caspian of course, but they hadn't missed him nearly as much as Peter had. 
Caspian and Peter had not always gotten along, because both felt the other was trying to become king of Narnia when Lord Miraz stole the throne. But towards the end of that adventure, they became the best of friends, and they were inseparable. Peter had thought he and his siblings were going to stay in Narnia, with him and Caspian as high kings, but Aslan had other plans. Plans that Peter, Edmund and Lucy still could not adjust to.
"Caspian?" Peter finally yelled.
Lucy saw Caspian talking, but when he heard Peters familiar voice, she saw him practically freeze. He slowly turned around, and once he saw Peter, Lucy saw the joy come to his face.
"Peter." He said calmly as he walked towards the three. When Caspian got face to face with Peter, he said something all of them were not expecting.
"You look older." He said bluntly with a smile.
"So do you." Peter smiled back as they both hugged each other for the first time in five years.
"Oh come on Peter it's my turn." Lucy smiled.
Caspian and Peter laughed, and then Lucy practically jumped into Caspian's big arms as soon as it was vacant.

She had missed him deeply, they had always thought alike and they were as close to each other that they could have been brother and sister. Caspian had always told her his greatest worries, even from the beginning. He often sought her out when she was younger, and displayed his worries and asked for council from her. Particularly when he was trying to defeat Miraz. On the Dawn Treader, they became closer of friends and Caspian even told her things she knew he had told no one before. On the long days of sailing, the two would sit in his quarters and he would tell her the deepest strains of being King. He had always told her she was the best listener and kindest friend.
"It's so good to see you Caspian." Lucy smiled genuinely as she broke the embrace and looked into his face astonished at the difference three years had done to him. He looked so much older, as if he had aged more than three years. And he did look far more handsome Lucy noted, with his jawline more squared, his shoulders broader and dark stubble on his neck and chin making him looking more rugged.
"I'm glad to see you as well Lucy. But tell me why are you soaked?" He asked curiously.
She looked down and suddenly remembered the events that had occurred.
"Oh me and Ed were simply having some fun." She laughed genuinely and Caspian chuckled. "Well each of you look so different." He thought aloud as he analyzed each of them from head to toe.
"We're not the only ones you know." Edmund smirked.
"It's good to see you Ed." Caspian said with a laugh as he embraced the dark complected Pevensie.
"How long has it been since you've been here?" Caspian asked them.
"Three for me and Lu, and five years for Peter." Edmund explained.
"It's been three years for me as well. I was hoping you wouldn't be ancient when I called." Caspian teased.
"Why did you call?" Edmund asked.
"I'll explain once we get back to Cair Paravel." Caspian replied evenly.
"You rebuilt Cair Paravel?" Lucy asked, her eyes wide with shock.
Caspian looked at her with a smile. "Yes, the professor had most of the layout hidden away in his study, so we rebuilt it in the honor of our former kings and queens. But you shall see it soon enough, are you not hungry?"
"Oh my gosh we're practically starved!" Lucy exclaimed.
"Yes as Lu pointed out, we have missed Narnian food immensely." Peter said with a grin.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Caspian half-asked.
"Uh for you to ask." Edmund said bluntly with a grin, causing all four of them to laugh like old times.

As the four of them ate their supper around the fire, They laughed and teased each other about when they were younger, while Caspian's men seemed to know they needed their space and ate their supper far away.
They stayed up late that evening and laughed and laughed until their sides hurt.
Eventually they became so exhausted from laughing, that Caspian decided it was time for sleep.

"Get some rest, we have a very long day if we are to reach the castle tomorrow." he said calmly and gave them different colored silk blankets to sleep on near the fire.
Thirty minutes later, Caspian, Peter, and Edmund were sound asleep, While Lucy remained awake, gazing at the stars, near the remains of the fire late that night. She remembered looking up at the Narnian constellations when she was a girl, and found herself thinking of England every time. As she was looking at them once again for the first time in three years, she found herself thinking of England once again. She thought of Susan and her mum and dad, she knew she missed them, but she knew she was where she belonged, in Narnia. She let out a contented sigh.
I'm finally home.

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