Chapter 2

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"Oh my head." Edmund complained as he rubbed it slowly.

"Shh." Lucy said quietly as she jumped up off the ground, and began to explore the woods, but not before Peter and Edmund decided to follow her before they lost her.
"Wait up Lu!" Peter said excitedly.

"Where do you suppose we are?" Edmund asked behind, which caused the two siblings in front to laugh.

"Are you going to say that every time we get back to Narnia Ed?" Peter teased.

"I meant where are we in Narnia." Edmund said as if he wasn't the object of a joke.

Soon they broke through the tree line, and all three of them stopped.

"Spare oom." Lucy mumbled.

Edmund and Peter suddenly stopped looking at each other and gazed up to the lamppost where Lucy held her gaze. All three of them just stared at it. Even though it was just a lamppost, it was the first evidence that they were in fact home. No one spoke as they simply soaked in the magic of Narnia and thinking of their adventures in the great Western Woods.

Finally Lucy turned around and looked at the two boys. "Peter, Ed! We're home!" Tears of joy began falling down her pretty cheeks. They then did what I'm sure you would do if you got to go back to Narnia. They jumped and cried and screamed and laughed. And then to end it, the three of them hugged each other genuinely.

"Oh Peter I wish Susan were here." Lucy whispered sadly.
"I know Lu, she would have if she had chosen to." He answered wisely. Lucy nodded in reply, because she knew if she talked, she would cry, and she didn't want to cry, because she just got to the place where she had been crying for years to see.

Although it wasn't winter, the lamppost always did-and always will- remind Lucy of Mr. Tumnus.
She asked Peter if they could stop by his house and see his grave since they hadn't been able to mourn him properly since they're two previous adventures had been so short. Of course the two brothers agreed, and soon they walked the familiar path to the kind fauns house.
As the brothers soaked in the beauty they had left behind, Lucy thought of all the times her and Tumnus would walk this very path teasing and laughing so many times. She was a girl then, but suddenly, she found herself a grown queen of Narnia. And then she left. I wish I enjoyed those visits so much more. She thought to herself.

As they rounded the last curve, she shook her head, bringing her back to reality.

There it was, Tumnus' house.

The low little meadow and his house hidden in the mountain with a simple steel door as the evidence there lay a warm home inside. She looked to the left of the door and saw the little flower bed she and Tumnus had put in many years ago when she was just a girl, or the remains of it, I should say. She couldn't help going back to that happy day.

"What do you think?" Lucy asked Tumnus as she planted the rose bush in a certain spot.

"Well it's up to you Lucy Pevensie, because, it will be you seeing it when you visit me." He smiled.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me only Lucy!" She threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Alright, alright, Lucy." He laughed. "But it also depends on where you want it, because I'm not into flowers nearly as much as you are."

"I know but you will, because it's going to look so lovely, your going to beg me to forgive you for ever saying such words." She teased.

He ruffled her short bobbed hair. "I'm sure I will." He smiled. ------

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