Chapter 4

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"There is a city." Peter stated.
"Yes, after the four of you left I wasted no time in announcing to the Telmarines that if they did not accept all Narnian races than they will be banished. Most of my uncles soldiers traveled to the Wild Lands of the North. And even as far as Harfang. According to our scouts." Caspian continued.
"When the Cair was rebuilt, people immediately settled. In the past three years, there have been a large number of humans coming from both the northern and southern borders. Making a large increase the nation's in the nation's population.
Edmund interrupted. "And are there any creatures in the city?"
"Of course, however, there are more humans than creatures in this city."
"And what is the current population?" Peter asked, his shoulder squared, voice confident, and it brought tears to Lucy's eyes when she could already notice he was starting to sound more like a King than a college student.
"Fifteen thousand, according to this years census." Caspian replied.
As they journeyed through the village right off the bay next to the cliff which Cair Paravel sat upon, everyone started shouting each of the Pevensies' titles. Lucy could not keep from smiling and laughing as she rode through the streets behind Caspian and Peter. It made her feel uttterly and hopelessly happy when she saw that Narnia had deeply missed their Kings and Queens of Old.
The Narnians shouted many terms and titles with joy, and she saw Peter and Edmund beam with pride every time they heard someone shout.

"High King Peter The Magnificent! Long may he reign."

"King Edmund The Just, of The Great Western Woods. Long May He Reign!"

And then she heard someone shout towards her. She turned and saw it was an older boy.
"Look it's Queen Lucy The Valiant!" The child said pointing towards her.
"The Loyal, The Patient, and The Courageous are her names, Long May She Reign!" The boy threw his fist up in the air as he shouted these words. The crowds in the streets heard this and all joined in and too threw up their hands in respect.
"Long Live Queen Lucy! Long Live Queen Lucy!"
Lucy knew she was blushing, but oh how good it felt to know she was missed! She smiled and laughed and waved to the crowds, and Caspian turned around and gave her a wink, making her smile even bigger. Oh it felt good to be home.

     There was a lower half of the city that rested on the bay, and then there was what appeared to be an upper half separated by a stone wall where the upper class lived. The upper half of the city winded up the cliff and on top, crested Cair Paravel, facing the magnificent Eastern Ocean. And since the sun was setting, the castle looked breathtaking, because when the suns rays hit, the whole castle glittered like diamonds. As their party approached the castle gatehouse, They were astounded at how big Cair Paravel actually was up close.
"Oh Caspian it looks exactly the way I remember it. I can't even tell a difference."
Lucy choked out as she felt tears surface.

"It is beautiful." Peter said sincerely, his voice raw with emotion, and Lucy knew he was reliving many memories of his day as high king. She looked over at Edmund and knew that he too was remembering the Golden Age."

Caspian gave a brief nod. He was so happy they approved, but his heart nearly broke as he looked at their faces. He could not imagine being ripped from his home like the Pevensie's were during their reign. Having to go back to a world where they were only looked upon as young children. He knew he had never been to their world, but from what he had heard, it did not seem like a reasonable realm. His thoughts were interrupted when the gatekeeper saw them and began barking orders for the door to be opened. As soon as they reached the courtyard, they were greeted by stable hands and horse masters.
"Thank you." Caspian said gratefully as he dismounted and handed his reins to a stable boy.
He turned around and saw Peter and Edmund dismount first, and being the gentlemen they were, he watched the brothers help Queen Lucy dismount.

"Thank you." She said gratefully to her brothers.

"Em, Caspian, can we freshen up and get out of these dirty clothes before supper perhaps?" Lucy asked as she gestured to her now baggy, ripped dress with mud stains all over her arms and face.
"Of course, we shall meet in the dining room for supper in one hour. I will escort you to your rooms." Caspian answered.
"If it's alright, I think Pete and I would like to find our own rooms, if we can manage it." Edmund said with a smile.
"Of course." Caspian answered with a grin.
Edmund and Peter did not waste any time in searching for their quarters, which left him and Lucy together. "And will my room be where it used to be?" She asked him smiling.
"Yes it will, next to Susan's."

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