Chapter 17

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    OTP ALERT! yeah so I updated! I'm sure your all probably very angry with me so I just would again like to apologize and say I am TRULY sorry!!! Happy reading and Feel free to give me constructive criticism!

    She stood perfectly still. Clenching the hilt of her sword and moving her fingers around for a good grip, she started slowly scanning the area, thinking carefully.
     Vartan, as if reading her mind, pushed the knife harder against Rilian's neck, making him whimper and she watched in silent agony as blood began to slowly ooze down his neck.
"If you try anything and I mean anything, I will kill this boy, and then nothing will stop me from ripping Caspian apart." Vartan spat out, his eyes sparkling with rage, and Lucy knew he meant every word.
    There was still a semi circle of no more than twenty men facing her, none of them wearing armor she noted, with Vartan in the middle standing straight ahead of her, and Rilian in front of him, standing as still as stone.
     She took a sharp intake of breath, as she realized what she was going to do.
  "Oh but haven't you heard the stories?" She began. When she saw Vartan staring at her blankly she continued. "I don't doubt you have heard of my brothers being famous in battle, but did you know they are not the only ones skilled with a blade?" She asked and merely hoped he wasn't able to resist the dare.
    He didn't disappoint. "I find that amusing, because only a mere week ago, you didn't even try anything to get out of my dungeon. You have no skills in anything." He said seriously, and yet he somehow thought it important to  clench onto Rilian even more. This was a very good sign to Lucy.
"If you don't believe me General," she mocked, "send me two of your men and I'll show you a little sportsmanship." Two men down, meant two less coming after her at once.
Vartan hesitated for some unknown reason, but eventually he sighed.
"Three men. There's your sportsmanship. You three," he said gesturing to the three farthest from him and closest to Lucy. "Kill her." He said coldly and the three reacted quickly.
     Lucy however, reacted just as fast. She threw down the sword she was holding, instantly pulled two unseen daggers from her sleeves, and thrust them with great force hitting each man in the the heart before they took three steps toward her.
They fell instantly, and she kneeled and picked up her sword as the last soldier raised up his sword high above his head and had just begun to thrust it down towards her head, when he received a white searing pain in his abdomen that stopped him from preceding any further downward.
    Lucy had just pushed her gleaming sword all the way through the man's stomach when she saw another man running towards her, his sword held high.
    She pulled the blade out of the injured man and turned around ready for the next opponent.
He lunged his sword straight for her face, but she subconsciously blocked the blade with her own. He then did something very unintelligent. He pulled up his sword high above his head and holding it with both hands, intended to slice her in half. But while he pulled it upwards, she shoved the blade into his lower abdomen, and retrieved it quickly, her sword now dripping with the man's insides, or should I say several mans' insides, before he fell over.

She quickly re-sheathed her now dripping sword, grabbed the two large knives out of both of the men she had just killed, and looked up and saw that the fifteen remaining men stood deathly still, waiting for command. Did she see fear in their eyes? She threw one crimson colored dagger in her left hand at the soldier standing nearest Vartan, hitting him in the middle of the forehead, making sure he knew she wasn't 'playing' around, and so that the soldier wouldn't suffer. The poor man, shocked, fell to the ground quickly and Lucy focused back to Vartan.

"I'll be taking Rilian now, thank you." She said with a voice as hard as steel, tired of not getting any closer to rescuing Rilian.

"All of you, kill her." She heard him bark, and everything seemed to freeze as a total of fifteen men closed in on her.
    She heard several yells out of the corner of her eye, and threw the second dagger with her free hand as hard as she could at the man who was closest to her. He was only ten feet away.
The time for throwing blades was over, it had come to the last resort. Combat.
    She knew she was surrounded, as they all came running towards her forming a line it seemed, only twenty feet away. What was she going to do?

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