Chapter 5

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(Please excuse the typos, I did this all in 1 sitting!)

The next morning, Caspian, Lucy, Peter, and Edmund ate breakfast together in pleasant conversation, but Lucy noticed Peter had something on his mind. They never ate far apart at the dinner table as propriety suggested.Instead, they all clumped together so they could actually laugh and talk to each other easily.

After everyone was finished eating, Peter wasted no time bringing up what was on his mind.

"Why are we here Caspian? And how did we get here?" He asked suddenly.

There was a short silence following, before Caspian answered.
"Not here Peter." He said solemnly. Caspian then gracefully rose out of his seat. Peter, Lucy, and Edmund followed Caspian out of the dining room into his personal library. It was a small room, kept more like an office, which had a simple desk with papers and letters strewn all over. Behind the desk there was a bookshelf close to ten feet tall and twenty feet long which held an assortment of historical books, novels, and many other genres. Caspian gestured to the four chairs in the library. "Please have a seat." He stood facing them in front of his desk, leaned against it and crossed his arms casually.
"Our military is at its highest peak, besides when you Four ruled of course. Recently, we have been receiving threats from Ettinsmoor, as well as the Wild Lands Of The North, saying they will declare war if we do not surrender." He stated calmly.

"And surrender what exactly?" Edmund asked seriously.

"This country." Caspian answered icily, and it was obvious he was trying to keep himself calm.

"Go on." Peter suggested.

Caspian looked at Edmund and Lucy.
"After the two of you and Eustace left, Aslan told me there may yet be a day when I would need to call upon the Kings and Queens of Old once more. However," he paused. "He warned me that it all depended on small choices I would make as king. He told me that the northern countries would try to invade Narnia, but that the former kings and queens, would help restore peace to Narnia. He never told me which choices I should and shouldn't make, but he assured me he would make wrong from right either way. He just told me one way would be much harder harder than the other." Caspian smiled. "And then he told me I would be a great king and he was proud of me, and then he was gone." He finished.

"So, how did we get here?" Peter asked.

"Peter you know how we got here." Lucy added. "My dagger."

"Your what?" Caspian asked puzzled. "I was the one who blew Susan's horn."

"My dagger. Peter said you told him he could take them." Lucy answered.

"But Lucy, Caspian kept them, on his ship remember?" Edmund said shockingly to Lucy. There was a long pause, but suddenly Lucy started laughing.

"What's so funny Lu?" Peter asked.

"Aslan, he-"

"What are you talking about Lucy." Caspian asked curiously.

"Well the best explanation is Peter took the real dagger back to England, while Aslan must have sent someone to place an exact replica making you think he had left it back here." Lucy explained.

Caspian smiled. "He was already planning years in advance for this. But who do you think replaced your things?" Caspian asked.

"It was I." Said a deep voice coming from the entrance of the dining room.

Lucy jumped up.

"Trumpkin!" She exclaimed, and ran to him.

Since she had grown a few inches, she knelt and hugged him hard, her head lowered as she leaned against his chest. He laughed and returned her hug with just as much strength as she had.

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