Chapter 33

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Emmett's POV

It's been a tough few days. 

Bella was so hurt in the fight. She was so small and broken. That son of a bitch shouldn't have been able to get so close to her. 

But he did, and she didn't have a chance. She didn't have much of a chance after the damage either. In my new existence, I've never felt fear like that before. It was like a physical weight in my chest. 

I know she'll be ok, brand new as a fresh vamp and all but, how do we even know if she wanted this. Maybe she'd hate us for letting her get hurt in the first place. It wasn't Rosie's fault though, and I wish I could explain that to her. 

Because, the way I feel is nothing like Rose must feel. 

They didn't complete their bond but as a vampire, Rose can feel any significant pain Bella has. Not only do I wish I could ease or even better, take away the physical pain, I wish I could take away the emotional pain. There's no way I can get Rosalie to ever believe and understand that she isn't at fault and that tears me up. 

Her pain is mine and, I would take it all from her if I could. 

She's been with Bella since Carlisle did it. 

By Bella's side, she cleaned her up and put her into something comfortable. Combed her hair and washed her face. There probably isn't much that could get Rosie to leave Bella's side at the moment. 

But, as much as I wish I can be there too, there is much to do. 

I spend as much time with them as possible. We all do, taking turns but we've been packing non-stop. 

Packing things to take, packing away things to keep. Securing things with the school and Carlisle with the hospital. There is a lot to do while Bella is turning and we pack. It was hard to make the change bringing Bella here from the hospital but as far as the world thinks, Bella Swan is dead. 

Even though Charlie knows that's not actually the case, it's been killing him. 

Charlie was a cool dude but it makes me feel bad for Bella. She'll be really upset about his state and that there isn't anything she can do. Telling her we have to move seems worse. 

But, everything is sorted now. We're going to stay up in Alaska for a while. No more school and shit for a bit. Northern Alaska, further up from the Denali's. Probably not where many humans will find us but it's a good place to recuperate and stay away from humanity for a while.  

The rest of the family were doing last minute things but I went upstairs and to Carlisle's office. The room is bare and hopefully, it wont startle Bella. The only things left are empty bookcases and the giant ass desk he has. As well as, the table Bella is on. 

Any time now, she'll wake up. 

Rose has held her hand for the past three days and talked to her, trying to help anyway she could. We'd all come in to talk, to try to help her memory and maybe distract her from the pain. 

I walk over to my mate, and cup her face in my hand. She turns and presses back against my palm, eyes shut and quietly sighs. 

I lean in and press a kiss to her forehead, her nose and then her lips. 

Her eyes are dark when they open and I hate that she hasn't fed but I don't bring it up. I just offer her a small smile and my support. 

Alice told us that Bella is gonna take her sweet ass time but should be up around now. We just had to wait for it. 

Her heart was flitting like helicopter blades and I can remember the pain she must be feeling now. Her body basically reformed and Carlisle removed her casts and bandages over time. She was all healed, her skin was now evenly pale white. Her features were more defined and her hair darkened, strengthened. It was easy to see and sometimes hear.

The place Carlisle's teeth bit into was now healed and gone, which doesn't always happen but is always good when the person has a mate. Rose would've lost it. 

"Em," Rose lightly elbowed me, her voice low and nervous. 

I look at her and then Bella. 

Her heart beat is insane, flitting in her chest a few dozen more times and then, nothing. 

Just like that, silence.

Rose squeezes my hand and we back up a few paces. I stand a little behind Rose in order to not freak Bella out. But she doesn't move for a minute, doesn't even open her eyes. 

"Bella," Rosalie whispers brokenly, fear lacing her words. 

The sound of her inhaling reaches our ears seconds before Bella's eyes snap open and suddenly, she's crouched in the corner of the room. Backed up and growling at us. I can almost taste the fear emanating from her.

Rosalie whispers her name again, much more relieved  but takes a step forward. 

I can't help but tug on her hand, my own instincts telling me that the newborn is dangerous, whether or not it's Bella and Rose's mate. She doesn't turn back to me, eyes glued on Bella, like mine are but for different reasons. 

She stays in place but talks to Bella. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you, Bella. Never." 

Bella's ruby red eyes flit between me and Rose until slowly, she stops growling and eases out of her crouch. She looks upset, angry but there's something manic in her eyes that doesn't make me let go of Rose's hand. 

"What," Bella's voice is different, musical even but warped in frustration and confusion. Her eyes cast down but she swallows, probably feeling the pain of thirst, and then she looks up fear taking over her eyes. "What happened to me?" 

(AN: And that's it! Hah, yes, I finally finished it. However, I kind of never wanted it to end, so it's a good thing there's a part two lol. 

First, though, I wanna say thank you to anyone who made it this far and read Honey. Thank you so much, it's a thrilling and nerve wracking thing for people to read what I write. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

So book two. It's called Divine. 

Divine will be about Bella struggling to come to terms with everything. It's gonna be full of angst and growth. I'll be adding a few more characters to the story and we'll discover new dynamics and relationships. 

I'm not sure how long the next one will take me but you can find it within a couple of days, as long as things go according to plan. I recommend you do read it though lol. You can take this as their ending or you can see Bella experiencing this new life and get the rest of the story in Divine. It'll be good, promise.

Alright. This is it, guys. Thanks again, so much, and stick around for the next one. Also, you should read some of my other stuff. It's not all twilight but just check it out maybe lol, thanks <3)

UPDATE: Divine is out now! Guys, go read it. It's worth it.

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