Chapter 17

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Bella's POV

For a while we just wound up sitting around talking.

Emmett was on the vanity stool across from the bed, sitting criss cross and fiddling with a Rubik's Cube. Rose and I on the bed, not quite cuddling, as we weren't that close but our hips were pressed close and my hand in hers.

The bedroom was nice, large and open. The walls pale cream, with darker accents. The bed, probably a king sized four poster in a rich, dark brown but rather simple. The comforter is pure white and oh so soft with fluffy pillows.

Windows, floor to ceiling on the far side, displaying the beauty of the Forks' forest.

The rest of the walls are mostly sparse, a small bookshelf with some novels and trinkets. Her vanity, across the room near the walk-in closet that meets a grande bathroom.

It's a pretty great room, one you'd assume to be the master suite (which makes me wonder what that would look like).

Mostly, though, my attention has been captured by the beautiful people with me. Emmett has been cracking jokes all this time, Rosalie reprimanding him at the rather raunchy ones even though, they were hilarious.

They told me of their lives and interests and I found myself doing the same.

I really enjoyed this and I really like spending time with the both of them. Emmett is literally going to be my new best friend and Rosalie. Well, I hope I can be more than Rose's friend.

"Tomorrow, how about we pick you up for school." Emmett says.

"But isn't that out of the way?"

"I don't mind." He shrugs.

"We'll pick you up tomorrow then." Rose smiles at me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and squeezing lightly.

Just then, there is a commotion downstairs and the two of them freeze. Like actually freeze. I've never seen two people more still in my life but they seem to be having a silent conversation or maybe it's just a staring contest.

"You know, you guys are one weird lot. Not that it's a bad thing, I actually quite like your weirdness-" I cut myself off, laughing at my own joke.

"Oh yeah? Well, you should see how weird you look!" Emmett says, putting his cube down and stomping over.

"No, no, no, no. Emmett, don't you dare- Emmett! Put me down!" I shout, thumping my fist against his back as he starts walking with me thrown over his shoulder. "Rose!" I call her for help.

She looks at me, now standing by the bed as he carries me off, looking apologetic.

"Sorry, darling. Don't worry about it, though, he's mostly harmless." She giggles as Emmett starts taunting me.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To the dungeon." He says slowly, like an evil villain.

"Whatever," I say, propping up my elbow so I can rest my chin in hand like Shrek and Fiona in the first movie.

"Emmett, what are you doing with our guest?" Esme says, as we made it downstairs. Emmett teasing me the whole way down with,

"Oh, poor weak bellsy. Teeny tiny mortal. Short squirt." And such.

"Save me, Esme." I rasp out dramatically.

She laughs but plays along. "Oh, dear. Jasper! Alice! Vanquish this villain." She puts her hand to her forehead and dramatizes a damsel in distress pose.

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