Chapter 27

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Bella's POV

Telling Charlie about Rose and I was rather anticlimactic. I didn't know how he would react but something positive was nice. He just should know, his teenage daughter is dating. A girl. But dating nonetheless. Also because Rosalie is amazing and I sort of wanna shout at strangers that this goddess is my soulmate. 

Not to mention, he should know now that there is drama about it at school. 

He doesn't need to be thinking that I fucked the whole Cullen family. Nor should he find out from someone else that I'm dating Rosalie. 

School was pure shit because of it. I'm glad it didn't follow me home. I figured things would've mellowed out somewhat over the weekend but that was just a pause button to the people of Forks. Everyone, even kids I don't know and teachers, gave me weird looks. Some talked to me. 

"The Cullen's, huh?" Someone had waggled their brows at me in the hall, but Alice was there and sneered at them until they ran away. 

"When did you and Edward even start dating?" Jessica whisper-shouted during English. With Lauren giggling, "Oh, honey, she didn't. So, Edward- he's good in bed, yeah? What about Jasper? He looks like he could be pretty wild-"

And, "I can't believe what he did to you! Doing it and then ditching. Sorry about that, Bella." Mike had pat my back during Biology when Edward didn't show. Eric had sighed, thumped him on the head. "They weren't together, Edward made an unwanted pass at Bella and Jasper and Rosalie beat him up because they're good friends." 

"Nah, they did it because her and the blonde are a thing and the Hales are twins- you know, so they share." Tyler spoke way to loud, getting attention from other people in the room.

It had made me shrink in my seat, turn bright red and me wishing for a hole in the ground to swallow them up.

Each accusation or theory, I ignored. Either I sighed before turning away from the questions or I blatantly told them where they could shove their fucking nosy asses. 

Finally, Thursday at lunch, I had enough. The stares had just started to dwindle until before lunch. I didn't know it was because Edward was back until then, when they told me at the lunch table. But when I got into Biology, Edward wasn't there and I had enough. 

"He's back, right? You two making up?" Mike was sitting on my desk, talking so much he didn't even notice I was texting Rose instead of listening to him. But that got my attention.

Suddenly, I shove him from the table top, watching in amusement as he flops around to catch his balance so he doesn't fall to the floor. "What the hell-"

"Listen close, Mike." I glare but keep my posture relaxed in my seat. "Edward and I have and never had anything romantic. He doesn't like me because I hang around his siblings and would rather not hang around him." Its so much more than that but it's also not his business really. Giving him a little something, though, may get him to fuck off. 

Mike and Eric erupt into laughter and start to joke around with me about Edward. They let go of the not so believable politeness towards him and start to mock him. I just shrug it off and text Rose, sometimes laughing when they make a funny joke. 

"It's nice to see you guys, as well." Edward suddenly clears his throat, having come over without us noticing. 

The boys jump out of their skin, offering fake 'oh, hey mans' and 'nice to see yous'. Fumbling over themselves to cover themselves, and rushing back to their seats. As the bell rings, I finish texting Rose, without acknowledging Edward next to me. 

"Uh, hello." He speaks softly, carefully.

It took longer than I thought, but eventually, I figured he wouldn't even speak to me. But when he does, I continue writing my notes. Flicking my eyes up to his face and then back. 

"Bella," He whispers. This time, I sigh before placing my pencil down and turning my face towards him.

His eyes are lighter than I've ever seen, basically yellow. Skin clear and pale as ever. His face is beautiful, like Carlisle. Almost pretty, where as Jasper and Emmett are gorgeous but lack that pretty, Edward has. They have a more manly, aggressive look. 

Whereas, Edward is younger than them. His bone structure is amazing but he is softer. A bit boyish, even. 

Studying my face, my eyes, I can tell Edward is still trying to penetrate my mind. It doesn't work because as his pleasant expression melts into frustration, his fist clench and he stares harder. 

I roll my eyes. 

"What? Why? What are you thinking, right now?" He suddenly asks, voice almost too low for me to hear. 

I roll them again but answer without being of help. "That you're such an idiot." 

He groans quietly in frustration. "I just don't get you." 

"So what." I grind out. "So, what? I don't fucking get you but you don't see me glaring you down. You don't see me putting you or anyone else down because I don't get them. Just- fuck off, Edward, I don't want to talk to you."

I pick my pencil back up and scramble to catch up with the notes. 

"I'm," Edward shifts in his seat. "I'm sorry." 

I scoff and that's the end of conversation. It's tense and awkward and when the bell rings, I beat Edward to the punch and storm out before everyone else. 

Outside the room is Rose and I can't help the smile that takes over my face. A giggle escapes and I mumble, "I missed you." as I bump my arm into hers. Her arm comes around my shoulders and she pulls me into a half hug as we walk to gym. 

"I missed you, too, love." She kisses the top of my head and it takes me a minute to remember the reason we are keeping us on the down-low. 

Dropping me at the gym, I dread whats to come. The class starts and ends without much fanfare and I'm lightly sweating as I change back to my clothes. As usual, I meet the others at their cars, ignoring all the gossip and dodging anyone who vies for information. 

This time, I fully hug Rosalie when I see her. 

My heart tugs when I'm away from her. It pulls taunt in my chest, telling me that Rose is that way. It's uncomfortable and at times jarring but whenever I see her, my heart actually speeds up a bit. The tension in my chest reseeds and then I'm in her arms and I'm overcome with emotions. 

"Are you alright, Bella?" Jasper's brows are furrowed. 

My head is resting on Rosalie's chest, completely slumped into her, her arms around my waist to hold me upright. 

"Mhm," I mumble, turning my face into her neck. "Just tired." 

"Is this alright?" I whisper barely loud enough, even though they can hear but our current position is not very subtle and I want to make sure Rose is ok with it. 

"Of course." Her arms squeeze gently and I feel all the tension leave my body. 

Lately, it's harder to be without Rose. Not painful, just exhausting, sad. It's hard for me to think about it because I've never thought myself as dependent but when I'm not with Rosalie, I am not whole. I can do it, of course, but it feels wrong. 

"Alright, let's get the fuck outta here, man." Emmett claps his hands loudly, startling me but I agree. 

There are still a bunch of students in the parking lot but I notice no one is too fazed at Rosalie and I's closeness. Idiots. 

This afternoon, Rose and I are going to movie. Our postponed date, is tonight and my heart speeds at the thought. I blush but shrug off Rosalie's questioningly raised brow. 

I can't help but admire her, as she drives. I know she can tell I'm staring but she's just. Her hair is liquid, it's honey. It falls in waves, over her shoulders, a strand in her eyes. Her long lashes make it twitch before she bats it away. Her lips, full and so pink, they're curved upwards. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. 

Her hand reaches out to mine. I hold it, cold as ice, I squeeze it tightly. 

"I love you." I whisper and she squeezes back.

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