Chapter 29

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  The next few weeks fly by.

I spent two weekends straight with Charlie on the reservation, fishing and watching games with him, Billy and Jacob. It was awkward but nice. I never spent much time with my father before but now that I have the opportunity, I can't help feel like I missed out throughout my childhood. He was shy,  awkward as hell but funny. Dad jokes on a whole other level. But you can tell he genuinely cares. 

He officially met Carlisle and Esme as my girlfriend's parents. The four of us had dinner together. I felt horrible about it but they were all so supportive and happy for Rose and I, that it made me happy enough to forget that had to eat food. 

Things at school were fine and boring enough until Rose and I kissed in the hall.

Summer is approaching with increasing speed and I planed to ask Rose to prom. We were never good at keeping things lowkey but that was a stupid slip. It didn't matter because everyone had shit to say either way and now it made going to prom together easier. 

I spent nights at the Cullen's and Rose was able to spend nights at my home- perks of dating the same gender, I guess. Alice took me off on shopping sprees, planning outfits for future dates and whatnot. Jasper would play cards  or chess with me as Alice did my hair or makeup and we'd talk about books. Emmett and I took up basketball. Of course he had to act human when I played but it was still fun, the trick shots and shit that we came up with. Sometimes Rose and Jasper would join us. 

Rose worked on my truck a lot, making sure it was safe and I thoroughly enjoyed when she did. A stereotype, sure but mechanic Rosalie was hot. 

We spent so much time together, we were barely apart. It was an increasing need. Beyond reason and embarrassment. Sometimes she struggled with it, as it was intense for me but not nearly like it was for her. Sometimes she would have to get out of the bed or take a few steps back to keep from breathing in my scent. Her instincts, as she explained, demands for her to fully seal our soul bond but to do that she'd have to fully bite me and if she does that, well..

It's a tough balance, but as we spend so much time together, Emmett's usually there too. He helped when things got too much, but it wasn't often it happened. Not yet. 

As for Edward, we mostly avoided one another. Mostly quiet and polite whenever we were around one another, it could become awkward sometimes but usually if Alice or Emmett were near, they'd chime in with humor. 

The Cullen's took me to their baseball game for the first time in March. It was an insane experience. 

The sounds, the speed. It was so much fun, they played and mocked one another just like any other family. I got to hit the ball once and it was almost embarrassing but whatever. They're literal vampires, of course I suck compared to them. 

Alice and I were in Seattle, today. Last minute shopping for prom. Or the only shopping I did for prom really. 

I've never been one for dresses so today, Alice is helping me find a suit. 

"It's going to be so much fun!" Alice clapped, while driving on the way here. "I know what you'll choose of course, but we're going to have so much fun picking it out. I'm so excited." 

Her enthusiasm was infectious. As much as I dislike shopping, I did have fun, Alice made sure the experience wasn't a drag by keeping things interesting of course. Several hours and stores from then, and we found my suit. Black, high waisted cigarette pants, that showed off my minimal curves and a jacket in the same color and fabric to match. The shirt underneath is crisp and white, skinny black tie down the middle. 

My favorite part was the satin lapels on the jacket, a small detail but so cute. It wasn't much, not to flashy, it didn't scream expensive or wedding or anything. It was perfect for prom and I looked good in it.  

I already had the shoes so Alice picked up some new clothes for herself and then the accessories she was looking for and we went back home.  

"Summer is a month away. April is zooming by, gosh." I had mumbled when I caught sight of the date and Alice giggled. 

"I've always found the expression of time moving fast funny to me. Time is almost inconsequential as an immortal, it feels like it moves so slow. A couple of years are like a couple of weeks to me. Even as a human, I never found time fast or slow. Although, having any grasp of time then would've been nice." 

"I thought you didn't remember your human life?" i ask hesitantly. 

Sighing wistfully, "Oh, I don't. I just spent too many hours in electroshock therapy for that." Her tinkling laugh almost startles me but I laugh along as she seems to find it funny. 

We're halfway home by then, and we're talking about summer vacations, what they do, what I've done. And then Alice goes very still and very silent, I almost panic since she's driving and I don't feel like dying today but then she recovers like nothing happened. The car didn't even swerve. 

"Oh! Yay, there's going to be a storm. We're going to have another baseball game tonight. It's going to be fun, are you coming?" Alice informs.

I shrug. "Uh, yeah. Where else would I be?" we laugh because like everyone at school jokes, I'm like a Cullen. Pale, quiet, and always with them. 

When we get back to the house, Alice and I are greeted by her mate. 

Jasper tries to grab everything from the trunk but I playfully shove him and grab my own things. It always makes me so happy when they humor my human strength like that, Jasper had let go and 'stumbled' back when I shoved him. 

"I'm a strong, independent woman who needs no man." I smirk at Jasper but then Emmett comes barreling out and lifts me in his arms and above his head. "Oh, you fucker." I roll my eyes. 

"You may need no man but you sure do need your woman. Go get her!" Emmett shouts and for a moment terror locks my bones because he yells, "Yeet!" and I fear I am going to be thrown. 

"Emmett!" Alice, Jasper, and Rose shout. 

My blonde goddess comes out the front door, picks up my fallen bags and then stands in front of Em as he puts me down. "What? I wasn't gonna do it." 

Back on my feet, I walk over to Rose for a kiss and I grab my bags. "I got it, I got it. I'm human  but I can carry my own shopping bags. Love you guys though. But seriously, if you ever try to through me again-" I laugh and we go inside to get ready for a baseball game. 

"What? You'll do what?" Emmett instigates but I just through up my middle finger and turn away from him.

"I always get so hyped when you guys play baseball. I don't even play but it's fun." I say when we get to her room, pawing through Rosalie's drawer as she directs me too. "Ugh, I can't find the shirt. Are you sure it's here?" 

I look up, turning to where Rosalie comes from her bathroom in only a towel. 

Her wet skin, dripping hair and fond smile has my brain short circuiting and after only a couple of distracted moments later, we find her shirt from the drawer and we get dressed.

Wearing her clothes gives me a sort of maniacal thrill that I would die before admitting but it made me feel safe, warm. It made me feel like I was hers. 

Shortly after we get dressed, Emmett comes in, swooping his wife from her feet and planting kisses all over her face and tickling her. "Get her, Bells. Her neck!" I hop on the bed and help Emmett. 

The sound of Rosalie's laughter fills the room, loud and almost musical. It's low but it's such a carefree, sweet sound that it's infectious. 

Life's just been so good lately, it's unreal. If it weren't for Rose's ability to me feel so real and alive, I'd say it was too good to be true. And not just what the two of us have but my life in general. This new family I have a part in, new love, new bond with my father. It's more than I could ever imagine. 

I'm so grateful that I met the Cullen's. 

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