Chapter 8

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"Hello, Bella." She spoke softly, her honey tone coating my mind and making me jello for a moment. All those terrible feelings completely gone and replaced with such a full, warm feeling.

"Hi." I squeak.

Emmett gives me a smirk that I can only describe as knowing and my face goes scarlet. Oh my god. This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea. This was a bad idea.

Abort, Bella, abort!

Flopping down beside her, Emmett pats the spot beside him. Walking over slowly, I choose to sit in the chair across from the bed. "So what do you wanna do first? Eat? Watch a movie? Play a game? Talk?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the last word. Why is he doing that? 

"Anything is fine." I clear my throat before speaking again. "Uh, where's Alice?"  Rosalie sighs. 

"Talking to Edward." He muttered with an eye roll. Seems like Edward's not anyone's favorite person at the moment.

"Oh." Was my smart reply.

 "Rose?" Em perks up. "How about you two head off and have Alice meet you at the mall?" I raise a brow when he looks over at me excitedly and then look at Rosalie to see what she thinks. She gives him the same expression, then rolls her eyes and stands up with a resigned sigh.

"Ok. Let's go Bella." She says and walks away. The words were so simple but Rosalie is anything but- Shut the fuck up Swan, this is getting ridiculous. 

I stand up and look at Emmett confused. He shoots up and gives me an excited smile. "What're you waiting for? Go! Go! Have fun with her!" He shoved me lightly and again wiggled his eyebrows.

God damn! Why does he keep doing that!? And what is with the way he worded that??

And why, for the love go, is everyone always so go, go, go? 

Following her out, I climb into the passenger seat of her BMW- awkwardly might I add- and bite my lip. After a few minutes of her speeding towards the nearest city, I clear my throat nervously. "Uh, you didn't have-" she glances at me and I quickly look at my lap. "You didn't have t-to do this. We could've stayed at your house if you wanted." Or I could've stayed home.

"It's fine." She said it so that I couldn't tell if she meant it. I was still looking at my lap when her hand, her pale smooth (and cold) hand rested on top of my hands that I was twiddling nervously.

Looking up, I see she's smiling softly. Glancing at me, her eyes hold a softness I've only see her with when she looks at Emmett. Her long eyelashes come together softly, hiding those honey eyes from me for a moment and then she turns back to the rode.

Her hand remained on mine for the rest of the quiet car ride. In turn, my brain was complete happy, mush the whole way. 


We're strolling randomly through the mall. 

It's been fifteen minutes but we haven't gone in a shop yet. Nothing grabbed our attention and Alice would surely know where to go when she arrived. 

Rose hasn't said much and I tried to start a conversation a few times but it didn't seem to work. She held a look of indifference as she glided beside me- making me look like a toddler learning to walk beside her. 

Why did she have to be perfect with even the most insignificant things?

"Bella," she started. My head turns quickly to look up at her, just now realizing that she's probably a good five inches taller than me. 

Strands of hair fall slightly in front of her face. I wanted to reach up and push them behind her ear so that nothing got in the way to block her beautiful face. I hadn't noticed that we stopped walking and we turned to face each other directly. "Y-yes?" 

"Would you like something to eat?" she asked, shattering the moment. Suddenly, I turn and face forward, blushing hard and clearing my throat. 

Nodding, I run my hand through my hair, "Yeah," and I start forward. I couldn't look at her again so I kept my eyes on the ground the whole way, even when we got food. Meanwhile I could feel her burning gaze on the side of my face.

"Are you ok?" 

Sighing, I put my plastic fork down and look up from my Chinese food. Who knew food court food was good? 

Smiling slightly I nod. 

She shakes her head lightly with a frown. "No you're not." 

"I'm fine.. thanks." I proceed to eat and she still stares at me. Rose 'wasn't hungry' so she didn't get anything besides a water. I hope she doesn't have an eating disorder because I've never seen her eat before. "Are- Are you?" gosh I have to stop stuttering. 

She rose a delicate eyebrow and asked, "what do you mean?"

I bite my lip. Why'd I open my mouth? I can't just freaking ask if she has a disorder! Esh. "Oh uhm, I just mean that." Clearing my throat, I make eye contact and then look over her shoulder. "Well I've just never seen you e-eat." 

Rosalie laughs quietly and shakes her head before looking down and biting her lip solemnly. "I'm fine, really. Thank you for caring." She again smiles softly, I couldn't help my smile in response. 

After another few minutes, Rose starts up a conversation as I throw my stuff away and we head to a store. "How are you liking Forks?" 

Pondering this, I nod. "It's better than I thought it'd be."

"But?" she prompts, shuffling through a rack of clothes distractedly.  

"But..uhm, nothing. It's just me being a mess." I chuckle.

Rose places her hands on my shoulders, making me stop short. "If you want to talk, I'm good at listening and good at giving advice."

We stand close for a moment, as she stares down at me. The cold feeling of her hands seep through my clothes and make a home in my chest. It strange but pleasant. I inhale her heavenly scent and wonder what the sweetness is that I smell because, wow. 

Rosalie pulls back slightly and I almost whimper at the distance. 

For another moment, I -again- become enchanted by her eyes and for a moment I feel as if she is feeling what I do. 

"Come. Lets go back and watch a movie with Alice, I don't think she's coming after all." Rose grabs my hand and leads us out and back to the car. My head spinning as she dragged me along with our fingers intertwined. 

I can only nod and follow because I've only known Rose for maybe three days but I know for a fact that I'm going to be close to her. 

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