Chapter 6: Don't be Afraid

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Chapter 6

Her eyes are burning with fire; her look piercing right through me.

"I can explain.."

"Go on then." Her face is expressionless.

"I didn't want anyone to know where I was."

"And you thought I would've ratted you out?"

"No, but I freaked out. I didn't want paps to show up any time soon, I needed this escape for my own sanity. "

I can see her sighing.

"Tom was about to let the world know how Cheryl Cole has decided her hang out place was our record label. For marketing."

"NO, no! You must till him he can't!"

"Don't worry, I said was about to. I told him not to."

She's not making any sort of eye contact with me when she's talking; she's playing with the different knobs on the production table.

"How did you find out?"

"Well, after Kimberley's performance last night; it got me curious about this new artist in the US with a great voice, and got a great reception. Which kinda never happens."

She half smiles.

"I asked the boys to get me information on her. Thought maybe we could snatch her from her label. She has potential."

She's twisting the knobs forcefully now.

"Turns out she had broken up with a very famous British singer that happens to have the same name as the British singer currently occupying a studio with us here in our building. Cheryl cole. Who is recording at studio #76, the same studio as you, Sharon."

I don't look at her now; feeling embarrassed.

"I googled you. Pretty intense love life you have, had. "

I put my both hands on either sides of the headphones, pull them off and set it aside.

"I think I'll call it a day."

I walk into the same side of the studio and make my way to the couch to collect my stuff. She grabs my arm.

"Oh no you're not. "

"I'm not feeling well Nadine."

"Then how about we change that? Come on, let me take you out. I know a place where you can let off some steam."

I stare at her.

"Come on, you owe me for lying to my face Sharon." I smile.

"Fine, what do you have in mind?"

We make our way out of the studio room. "Didn't I tell you that you don't look like a Sharon?"

"Oh piss off" We both start laughing our heads off.

I lifted the helmet off, and started to flick my hair a bit.

"Well that certainly did let me go all the way! We should do this again! "

I start laughing so hard.

"Cheryl, you barely stepped on it! That 7 year old passed you TWICE."

I'm shattered with laughter, and she's pouting and walking away.

"Hey! Come back!" And I still fail to contain my hysteria.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I am though not sorry that you unwinded. Told you it'll make you feel better."

"Aye, it did, thank you babe."


"Come on, lets head out."

We start walking back towards my car, and it all seems too normal when she holds my hand and starts swinging our arms back and forth.

Yes, butterflies.


I drop myself on my bed quite dramatically, roll up, and smile to myself.

Today was the most fun I have had for some time.

Nadine is so lovely. Her humor is just a bonus.

I then turn to the other side, and that's when my thoughts drift back to her.

What about her? Did she meet someone new? Did she get back together with Justin? Naah, I'm pretty sure that wont happen. I know Kimberley.

Yet again, I thought she'd never cheat.

Did she meet someone new?

It has been a few months. She must've bumped into a couple of new people with all that's going on with her.

I can't take it. I grab my iPhone, open my browser and type in.

"Kimberley Walsh"

Immediately pictures that are new to me pop up. She redyed her hair. It's darker. Her smile is still breathtaking. I press on the images tab, and look at her in different dresses and events. I've missed a lot. It has been a year and a half Chez.  But I do notice something, she's solo in all of them.

And I can't help but grin in satisfaction.

I press the back button, and go into her news feed and start going through different headlines.

Walsh makes Brits Proud with THAT debut performance.

Kimberley Walsh dazzles at the awards.

What a way for our Kimberley to start her US career!

I scroll down dissatisfied with the repetitive headlines.

Then something catches my eye.

Walsh being consoled by her PA.

That's a scene we're now used to: Walsh out and about with her friend/PA Sarah Harding.

Kimberley and Sarah enjoying a dinner for two.

"Pfffft." Sarah is not even gay. The amount of effort they'd spend fabricating stories.

I continue scrolling down.

Kimberley released from Hospital.

Official statement: Kimberley is going to be ok.

I sit up, brush my hair away from my face.

Kimberley Walsh rushed to the hospital after being found unconscious in her vehicle by neighbors.
Turns out walsh fainted in her car and almost died from suffocation.

My hands involuntarily move to cover my lips.

I press home button, press on the text message icon.

"Oh my god Kimberley I just read about what happened 3 months ago."

I reread what I have written down. And that's when I feel my face turning Red with embarrassment.

I am late. This text is long over due.

I delete the message, and just sit back motionless.

My phone then buzzes in my hand and my heart drops.

"Today was just fantastic. I hope we can get to do that again soon. Xoxo"

My mood suddenly shifts, and that starts my long night of texting.

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