Episode 12: Life Force

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Lucy leaned closer to the Green Ranger. She smiled when she

"Hey babe," Camila greeted, standing up. She moved to stand in front of the White Ranger and kissed her lips.

Lucy leaned into the kiss, melting into her. She placed her hands on either side of Camila's face and held her close.

Lucy pulled away, staring into Camila's eyes. "I love you."

Camila gave her a dazed smile. "I love you."


Lord Zadicus looked at Petrik. His eyes hard with anger. "You won't fail me, will you?"

Petrik looked at his leader with fear. "No sire, I promise not to let you down."

Lord Zadicus nodded, turning to his wife, who was smiling.

"Those rangers won't win, we won't let them."

Lord Zadicus nodded. He looked at the monitor, pictures of the rangers scattered around. "They won't. We're going to kill those rangers, starting with my daughter."


Lauren Jauregui - Red Harmony Ranger
Normani Kordei - Blue Harmony Ranger
Camila Cabello - Green Harmony Ranger
Dinah Jane - Yellow Harmony Ranger
Ally Brooke - Pink Harmony Ranger
Simon Cowell - The Rangers Mentor
Demi Lovato - The Ranger Medic
Hailee Steinfeld - The Ranger Strategist/Assistant Tech

Lucy Vives as Princess Lorelei -  White Ranger
Shawn Mendes - Black Ranger
Troy Ogletree - Gold Ranger/Ranger Tech

Sofia Carson

Alexa FerrerKeana IssartelAustin Mahone

LA Reid as Lord Zadicus
Britney Spears as Lady Imperia

Niall Horan

Keana looked at the worksheet in front of her. She let out a yawn, as she rubbed her eyes, trying to understand the problem. She leaned back and took a break, her eyes shifting around the room. She smiled, seeing her group of friends in her classroom. Lauren was asleep at her desk, her test turned over. Shawn, Ally, and Normani seemed deep in through as they worked through the work. Lucy and Troy were reading. Hailee was drawing some sort of diagram, while Alexa was trying to make her name look nice on the test. Austin and Dinah looked lost, still on the third and fourth question. Sofia was drawing on her test. Keana turned back to her test, sighing.

She answered the last question just as the bell rang. She quickly wrote her name and shoved her things into her bag. She saw Austin slam his forehead on the desk, causing her to giggle.

"How did everyone do?" Shawn asked, as the teens sat down with their lunch.

Dinah laughed, before groaning. "Let's talk about something else."

"I failed. I so failed," Austin told the group.

Niall walked to the table at that moment and kissed Hailee's cheek. "What are we talking about?"

Dinah glared at him. "We don't speak about it."

The group laughed, as they ate lunch. Keana watched the couples. Shawn and Lauren were being disgustingly cute, sharing their food.

Ally and Troy were working on some homework. Dinah was trying to steal some of Normani's food. And Lucy was watching Camila try to shove as much food into her own mouth Niall and Hailee were being nerds. Sofia was with Dove at her table and friends, wanting to get to know her girlfriend's friends. Austin, Alexa and Keana, the singles in the group all commented on the couple-ness of the others.

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