Oh, Darling

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Brendons pov

"What do you mean they got away!? I thought you said you'd get me Party Poison!" Korse yelled, angrily.

"I'm sorry sir, they slipped right under our radar." I spoke fast.

"This is why you leave this kind of work to the pros! Not an idiotic bafoon like yourself!" He cried.

"Sir I'm-"

"I'm still talking! Why was it so important to get the girl in the first place!? She has no significance to us!" He got up in my face as I stared at the floor, "Urie, why was the girl important!?"

"Sh-she was important in getting P-party Poison in here, sir."

"We could've kidnapped any other killjoy in their party, why was it her!?"

"She seemed the weakest, the easiest to capture." I lied.

"Then why did it take you four years to put your plan in motion!? Huh?"

"I wanted to make sure it was perfect."

"Well clearly you didn't spend all that time on this stupid little plan," He looked up at the screens, pictures of Party Poison were projected over each screen, "I'm giving you one more chance to show you're worthy of being a high rank scarecrow. If you fail me once more, you can say hello to our old friends of the Fab Four, or should I say five now?" He walked out of the room, I was left alone.

Tears sprinkled my eyes. Quickly, I wiped them away. Can't let them see me cry... can't let them see me cry...

I looked to the big displays with pictures of the killjoys plastered across them, Y/n included. Oh how I miss her... I was so close...

Stepping closer, more tears welled up, but there was no stopping them. Why did she have to become a killjoy!? Why!? We could've lived together! We could've been happy! Oh, darling...

Finally, I stepped away, and walked home. My eyes, staring at the now empty bed, for only a few nights had it held two like it was intended for. Laying down, I hugged onto her pillow. It still smells like her... my darling love... they took you from me... I want you back... I need her back...

A picture of us in high school still sat safely in my pocket; slipping it out, tears sprinkled my cheeks once more.

We were so happy! So happy! Why did she have to have that stupid child!? Why!? That kid ruined everything for me! She just had to have that kid, didn't she? She never even asked if I wanted a kid! I never wanted that kid! I'm no dad...

My gaze flickered to the second boy in the picture. The one who started it all.

Ryan... fucking dick! My best friend fucking betrayed me! I hate him! He just had to get involved! Had to step up... take my place... ass hole...

There was no way for me to get sleep that night for I was too worked up and wanted nothing more than my sweetheart by my side. As of right now, there was no chance of that happening. The whole night I thought up wicked plans to get her back in my arms, each one, more evil than the last.

By morning my mind was buzzing with ideas and genius plans to get her back by my side. As I walked into my work area, Korse was already there.

"Sir, I have good news!"

"Unless you've caught Party Poison, I'm not interested." He said, blandly and uninterested.

"If you listen to me, we could have a good chance of catching that pesky Party Poison." I said, cheerfully.

"Oh great! I can't wait to hear them!" The sarcasm was thick in his tone.

"Sir, I've stayed up all night writing up devilish plans to catch her!"


"Him! Him, I meant him, sorry. I couldn't sleep last night," He looked at me, suspiciously, "Here... here are the plans!" He groaned and tossed them aside, "Could you at least look at them for a moment!? It won't take too long!"

"Why!? I'm just going to say no anyways!"

"Who knows? You might find something you like," He still wasn't satisfied with that reason, "You can take the credit for it." His eye brow shot up as to say, 'Now I'm listening'.

"You know, just taking a quick look at them couldn't hurt," He began shuffling through, skimming one by one, "No... mmm no... tried that one... hmmm, this one might work." He handed me one.

"You really think this one will work? This was just a silly idea."

"No no, it's good! Why don't you work on this? You said it was only an idea, right? Well, let's turn it into our next mission." Those words made my eyes light up in excitement and surprise.

"Thank you, sir!" I shook his hand and ran to my little work nook to sort out my plan.

"Oh! And, don't take four years on this one, it'd be nice if you had it ready a lot sooner than that."

"Will do!" A rather large sickly smile took over my face as I began working on my plan to capture Y/- ...I mean, Party Poison.

After my long day of planning, I strolled back home, happy as ever. A warm smile was sported across my face. Only about a block away from my humble abode, there was a strange sound coming from one of the dark alleyways.

"Hello?" More noise came from near a pile of old broken TVs, "Hello?" I tried again, but the noise stopped. Investigating further, I only found a dead pornodroid with its lower half stolen away. Sick... Poor thing...

A chill shot through my spine as a rat scurried by. I left the nasty alleyway and got home safely. Laying in bed, I stared at the photo once more, but only at her. A surge of anger ran through my veins, causing my fingers to tear the photograph so only Y/n and I remained. That's better... You'll be back in my arms soon enough darling... I promise...

The lights went out; soon after, I did as well. Dreaming of the girl that I loved.

Hi guys! This chapter is a little different than my other ones! It's in Brendons pov, wow! How cool is that? I hope you guys liked it, I hope you guys are staying safe, too. Have a spectacular day~peace out cheesebags

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