Chapter 21 Take Advice

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Nora clutched the mobile to her chest trying to breathe. After almost a day and a half of hearing nothing, envisioning the worst of everything, she'd finally decided he'd changed his mind. And then Adela called. When she finally listened to those rushed few words left on her phone, she didn't know what relieved her most: that he'd hadn't changed his mind, or that he wasn't hurt, lying in some casualty alone. She never wanted him to know how she'd sat on her sofa and sobbed in relief. Still, whatever happened Thursday night left him angry and afraid. In the weeks since his fight with Rose, he'd fought hard to keep his emotions under tight control, always deflecting questions about his feelings with a glib answer or a silly grin, but when she finally talked to him, she could hear it in his voice; terror that yet again, he'd screwed up.

An immediate to-do list came up which meant a trip to Rinaldis to do the shopping. He was going to stay tonight whether he wanted to or not. That decided new bedding was in order. No thirty-four-year-old man wanted to sleep on rocket ship sheets under galaxy duvets. Addie had given her a menu to ensure that he ate properly. She laid the phone aside and went to wash her tear stained face. Then she started on her own mission. It had been so long since she'd even thought of fixing a real meal for anyone other than her parents or Robbie. When she returned home, she'd bought enough groceries for six, along with fresh spices and new bedding more appropriate for an adult.

"Nora?" her neighbour called as she rushed to help.

"Marge, hi," she said pulling out a sack of groceries

Only a couple of years older, the woman flashed a cheeky smile. "That's a lot of stuff; are you redecorating?"

Nora blushed. "No a friend is coming over is all," she said shyly.

Marge's grin broadened. "Oh, is it the jimmy who was over Thursday? It is about bloody time. It's been too long."

"He's just a friend. I did his house during the summer."

Marge giggled and grabbed another bag. "Oh Gawd, it's the teacher in GlenCoe. What can I do to help?"

"Marge, really, he's just a friend, but he was in hospital Friday and he needs a bit of looking after for the rest of the weekend."

"Well, then I guess we should change Robbie's bed, eh? Unless.... No, too soon for that. What did you get for dinner? I've got a nice bottle of Chardonnay you can have."

"It's just chicken, and thanks, but he can't drink. Can you -- maybe help get dinner started?"

"Lead the way, I have about three hours before Nat and Tommy get home."

The sun started its slow slide across the sky staining the horizon with rich shades of purple and coral. Nora glanced at the clock and slipped her cardigan on waiting for Daniel to arrive. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so nervous. The aroma of dinner filled the house. Marge had even talked her into lighting a candle. 'It'll add a welcoming touch, she'd said. She didn't want atmosphere; she just wanted the gentlest man she'd ever met safe.

A smile tugged at her lips when she glanced out the window in time to see his SUV pull up. He got out of the car, stuffed his hands in his pockets and stood there looking at the house. His body language told her all she needed. She immediately walked out of the house and crossed the small garden to meet him.

Without hesitation, she held her arms out letting him walk into her hug. She revelled in the way his arms felt around her. She tightened her grip, giving him the hug that he desperately seemed to need. Snuggled against his chest, she could feel every tense muscle in his body. He sounded so forlorn when he asked for a proper kiss.

She stretched up, letting his lips brush against hers before tentatively kissing. It was a long sweet kiss, filled with longing and passion. When they broke apart, Daniel said nothing but didn't move. His breath tickled her scalp as he rested his chin on the top of her head. He was waiting, but for what? An invitation? They seemed to stand beside the car for an eternity.

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