big dream of a girlfriend

659 74 79

the zebra on my bed


listen here, do you want to get on my back and go? i looked

in his eyes and saw me there and i


to the zebra on my bed,

yes i would love to come with you

may we be together

forever, please, and more?

that is what i


to my zebra on the bed,

it is what i want now,

same as before,

take me with you

but bring me back here too

and stay with me here on this bed

is what i said

stay with me on our bed.

the black and white stripes are a form of camouflage called disruptive coloration that breaks up the outline of the body. although the pattern is visible during daytime, at dawn or in the evening when their predators are most active, zebras look indistinct and may confuse predators by distorting true distance


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