a zebra for my valentine

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zebras, zebras, everywhere

if you're above me, i don't care

zebra skins now do abound

i'll round.

make and

you nice

a that's


put your lips onto mine

and leave them stay just so,

feel them nestle

just like that, then feel them moving


i cannot think of kissing you, it makes me wanna fly

when at last i catch

my breath,

into your mouth i'll sigh,

i saw your lips are very

soft and now my heart beats faster

what i think is so wild babe,

it'll put my mind in plaster

the giggles get me,

i start to shake,

i can't look into mirrors,

blood inside my ears does snake,

sloppily i run with scissors;

this heart pumps rivers of


each drop just for you,

i want to sit right in your lap and tell you

of us two

i wish your self to crave my own,

our lips to explore in bliss

i want to be with you forever,

please accept my kiss

i reach for you by essence

and this love that is my part

i obtest,

please, will you be my



zebras, zebras, everywhere

if you're above me, i don't care

zebra skins now do abound,

you'll round.

make and

me nice

a that's


the only place to find zebras living in the wild is on the continent of africa and one african folk tale explains that the zebra got its black stripes after fighting with a baboon. the zebra kicked the baboon so hard that the zebra fell over into a fire. the fire left scorch marks over the zebra's body, hence the black stripes.


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