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"Okay, I'm almost there," Xander says into his phone, keeping his eyes on the road. Detective Jones called because they're certain they've procured Jacqueline's kidnapper, that is if she was kidnapped and not killed.

"Where are you going?" Xandra asks from the back seat of the car, scaring Xander. He swerves the car into the opposite lane but luckily for them, no car is approaching. Xander smashes the break and the car skids to a stop.

The cars behind them are honking angrily and Xander quickly enters the right lane. He's quiet for a few seconds before he screams at the top of his voice.

"What the hell! You almost killed me!"

"Calm down, you're okay, aren't you, your car doesn't even have a scratch," Xandra doesn't seem bothered at all that that could've gone worse.

"If I hadn't died from that accident, I could've died of heart attack! What are you even doing in here? I thought you left."

"I would have but you're my ride. So where're we going?"

"Detective Jones called, they think they've got the person who kidnapped Jacqueline."


"No! You made a huge mistake. How many times do I have to say it? Savannah didn't do it," Xander says to the detectives.

"We found a few fingerprints on Jacqueline's phone, yours....." Detective Cooper trails off, waiting for Xander's response.

"Of course mine are there, I handed her her phone the day she disappeared," Xander says.

"Yours....." Cooper points at Xandra.

"I sometimes use Jacqueline's phone to take selfies," Xandra says.

"Why not just use your's?" Jones asks.

"Because iPhone cameras are awesome for taking photos."

"Okay........we also found Jacqueline's fingerprint, obviously, and then Savannah's," Cooper continues.

"Savannah and Jacqueline aren't close, they can't even stay in the same room. Why would Savannah's prints be on Jacqueline's phone?" Jones asks.

"But that's not enough reason to-"

Jones puts a hand up to silence Xander, "we also checked her phone, they're calls and texts from Savannah to Jacqueline. We got the recordings of the phone calls from Jacqueline's phone network, they were all death threats, same with the texts. Jacqueline begged Savannah to stop and Savannah said that she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jacqueline any chance she gets."

"Those where just threats, Savannah's all bark and no bite," Xandra said.

"Are you saying that because its true or because Savannah's your best friend?" Xander asks.

"What? Are you seriously asking me that? Alex, you know Savannah."

"I thought I did but she's been acting totally different and you know that. I'm not saying she did it but she's capable of doing it."

"Well, we're not jumping to conclusions, we still have to interrogate her, wait here. Come on Cooper," Jones says and walks away with Cooper trailing after him.

"I can't believe you would say that," Xandra says after the detectives leave, "Savannah would never-"

"She almost killed Jacqueline, Alex. Twice!"

"That's almost."

"If I wasn't there to stop her, she would have."

"Look, I know that Savannah may act crazy sometimes but-"

Xander tunes out the rest of Xandra's sentence as he tries to focus on the officer behind her. The guy is watching the clip of Xander, Jacqueline and Savannah in the parking lot that they had gotten from surveillance camera.


"Are you ready to talk now?" Detective Jones asks when he steps into the interrogation room. Savannah is already seated and staring at the table in front of her.

"I'm not saying anything until I get a lawyer," she says, looking up to show her determined expression.

"Can your mum afford a lawyer?" Detective Cooper asks, taking a seat beside Detective Jones.

Savannah looks down at the table.

"That's what I thought."

"I'm still not saying anything," Savannah says defiantly.

"No problem, we'll just keep you here until you talk. Don't forget your sister's waiting for you," Jones says.

"You brought my sister here?!"

"Your mum wasn't home, we couldn't leave her alone," Cooper says.

"She's twelve, she can take care of herself."

"She wanted to come, she was worried about you. If you want to see her, you're going to have to tell us what you did to Jacqueline," Jones says.

"I didn't do anything."

"Where were you last Friday at 2pm?" Jones asks while Cooper gets ready to scribble everything on her notepad.

"I was at home."

"No, you weren't," Jones argues.

"Yes, I was! I didn't go anywhere on Friday."

"We saw a footage of you at McDonald's on Friday. Do you have a twin we don't know about?" Jones asks rhetorically.

"I was at McDonald's but I didn't stay long and went back home."

"Your sister said you didn't get home until eight, so where were you?"

"I stayed in my room, she probably didn't know I was already home," Savannah says but its obvious she's lying.

"How many times do you want us to ask before you tell us the truth? Where were you on Friday?" Cooper asks slowly as she grips the pen in her hands tighter. She's getting tired of going in circles.

"I already told you, I was at home!"

"We both know that's a lie!" Jones yells and hits the table with his fists out of anger. "Where were you Savannah?! Murdering Jacqueline? Huh? Where were you?!"

"I don't know!" Savannah yells out when the pressure becomes too much, "I was drunk, okay?!"

Savannah's cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

"Savannah," Jones says calmly, like what she just revealed washed all the frustration away, "how old are you?"

Savannah's eyes widen when she realized she could get in trouble for underaged drinking.

"Uh...err....twenty......twenty-one"she stutters.

"You're eighteen but don't worry, I may decide to let this slide if you tell me the truth."

"Detective," the cop Xander was staring at earlier comes in, "you should come look at this."


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