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While Mrs. Kresge continues to berate them, Miley studies Xandra's diary

"Damn it"she sighs when she sees that it has a lock. Tyler, who's sitting next to her gives her a questioning look and she shows him the lock

"What are we gonna do?"he whispers to her. "I don't know, think of something"she whispers back

"Is that Xandra's diary?"Mrs. Kresge asks from behind them

"You knew Alex had a diary?"Xander asks

"Yes, she even gave the key"

"Where is it?!"Miley asks excitedly. "In my room, inside the shoe box I hid Xander's blankie"

"Mom!"Xander glares at his friends who're giggling

"He couldn't sleep without it-"

"Mom, aren't you tired? You should go relax"

"Yeah, I did have a long day at work. I'll be in my room if you need me"

"No, don't go to your room"Jacqueline says, "you can relax here, let's give you manis and pedis"

"Yeah, you can imagine yourself in a spa"Miley chips in, "I'll give you facials"

"That's really nice of you girls but I still have to clean up Xandra's room"

"The boys will take care of it, right guys?"Miley says with her 'say yes or die' tone. The boys immediately agree

While the girls are distracting Mrs. Kresge downstairs, Jacob and Tyler fix Xandra's room and Xander searches for the key in his parents' room

"Xander, did you find it?"Tyler walks in to see Xander cuddling a small blanket

"This never happened"Xander says as he hurriedly places the blanket back in its box

At the top of the stairs, he gives the girls a thumbs up

"Okay, I think we're done"Miley says

"Wait, you're not done with my nails"Mrs. Kresge says, not wanting the spa treatment to end

"They're beautiful just the way they are. Just wash the mask off your face and take a nap"

Mrs. Kresge leaves disappointedly

"Okay, let's open it"Tyler says excitedly after Mrs. Kresge has left, "I wanna know what she wrote about me

On the first page, a piece from the top left corner was torn out, presumably the 'dear diary' they had found on the counter. There's no 'dear diary' on that page

'Okay, so my therapist thinks its a good idea for me to write my feelings and stuff in a diary. I actually think diaries are dumb'

Xander looks at Jacob with his 'told you' face

'....but he's the doctor so I'll do whatever he says, also because he's hot. That's the reason John Paul's is my fav hospital, the doctors are hot! These therapy sessions are definitely worth my time if it means I get to see Dr. Gray

He reminds me of Grey's Anatomy. I actually wanted to become a surgeon because of that show but then I realized that seeing a lot of blood makes me nauseous. I don't think anyone would want me to operate on them if I keep throwing up on my patients

That would be weird, throwing up on people

This diary stuff is actually not bad, I'm not gonna tell Alex I have a diary though'

Jacob looks at Xander with his 'told you' face

'.......I feel so much better now, Dr. Gray was right. Oh yeah! I was talking about how hot he is. Did I mention he reminds me of Meridith Grey'

"Ugh! Alex, get to the point"Xander groans

After a few more pages of Xandra talking about being a stand up comedian to dogs to space to volcanoes to music and finally back to the topic

'Anyways, this is supposed to be the part where I tell you what the problem is but I'm not dumb enough to write my secrets in a diary'

They all groan



"You have got to be kidding me"

"All that reading for nothing"Miley sighs, "where's this hospital anyways?"

"I know where it is"Jacqueline says, "Paige's mum works there. And Xandra's right, the doctors are hot"

"Really?!"Miley piques up, "let's go there right now!"

"Seriously?"Jacob asks, a bit offended. "Is there anything better than a hot doc?"Miley asks

"How about an exboyfriend?"

"Don't be so jealous, like I would ever leave you for a guy twice my age"

Jacob opens his mouth to reply and the others can tell they're about to start bickering

Xander slams the book shut to get their attention. "Let's go"

"Go do what?"Jacob asks, "question the doctor, he's not gonna tell us anything. Patient confidentially"

"Well we can always beat it out of him. There's six of us and one of him, how hard can it be"


I have returned! Yeah, that's right, I'm still alive

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