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"Xander, what are we going to do?" Miley asks, dragging Tyler into the house will the others are still sleeping, "we're at a dead end and that mysterious texter hasn't told us anything."

"We'll figure something out."

"I hope so. Wake up," she says after dragging Tyler in. She repeatedly kicks him until he wakes up.


"Shut up and wake up," she says then moves to Jacqueline who fell asleep on the window sill.

"Wake up!" She screams in her ear as she shoves her down, the she moves to Savannah who was finally able to release Xander. Miley raises the couch at an angle so that Savannah falls off then she moves to Jacob. She gently taps him until he wakes up.

"What am I doing here?" Tyler asks.

"You teleported," Miley says.

"No way! I knew it was real, you guys said I was stupid for buying that teleportation device from a sketchy website."

"We've been friends for years but somehow, you're still able to amaze me," Xander says, "why are we even friends?"

"I don't know about you but I only became friends with you because of Xandra."

"Why are we here?" Jacob yawns.

"We have a problem," Miley says, "someone broke into Savannah's house."


"Savannah are you okay?"

Tyler and Jacob exclaim.

"She's fine," Miley says, "just a bit shaken, the guy didn't try to hurt her, he was just watching her sleep."

"Creepy," Jacob says. "Hey, Ty, remember that time when you snuck into Xandra's room and...." Jacob trails off when Tyler gives him signs to stop talking.

Xander turns around to look at Tyler and he immediately stops waving his hands.

"And did what?" Xander asks menacingly, alternating looks between Jacob and Tyler.


"I'm going to break every bone in your body," Xander says, tightening his hold on Tyler and digging his knee more into his back.

"All I did was watch her sleep, there's nothing wrong with that," Tyler defends.

"Shut up before I snap your trachea."

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Kresge asks, walking into the living room and interrupting them, "its seven in the morning, what's going on?"

"Uh...we love your cooking so much so we decided to come for breakfast," Savannah says.

"You could have stayed for dinner last night."

"Mom, why are you awake?" Xander asks, finally releasing Tyler whose arms have probably already broken.

"I heard something fall," she answers.

"That would be me," Savannah says and glares at Miley, "I tripped."

"Okay....well, since I'm awake now, I'm gonna start making breakfast," she says and disappears into the kitchen. "Oh my God!" They hear her scream a few seconds later.

They all rush to the kitchen and see Mrs. Kresge looking at a counter with a scrutinizing glare. "This counter has a dent in it!" She screams like her whole world is coming to an end. It was the spot where they had found the knife that pinned the note.

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