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"A fractured skull, a broken neck, a dislocated arm. A fractured skull, a broken neck, a dislocated arm," Mrs. Hart says to herself repeatedly, pacing round the room. "Okay, if I work overtime everyday for like three weeks and eat like only once a day, I can pay half the bill or maybe something close to half."

"Mrs. Hart, you don't have to worry about the bill, my mom already said she'll take care of it," Xander says.

"Really?! I love that woman so much, thank you!" Her phone starts ringing. "Oh come on," she sighs, "its my boss, I have to go. When Jake wakes up, tell him I'll be back as soon as I can and that he's grounded, for life and death!" She says hurriedly and leaves.

"And I thought my life was terrible," Jacqueline says, "she's clearly overworked and stressed. If she doesn't take it easy, she won't last long."

"You realize that the person's mother you're talking about is right here, right?" Xander asks.

"He's asleep, he won't know."

"Ugh!" Miley yells from her spot beside Jacob's bed, she calls Savannah again but it goes straight to voicemail, "stop ignoring my calls Savannah! Your cousin nearly died! Pick up the phone!!!" She looks like she's going to break her phone in half.

"Xander!" She suddenly yells, he jumps, "go to Savannah's house right now and bring her here. I don't care if you have to stuff her in a sac, just bring her here!"

"Yes ma'am," Xander says, grabbing his car keys.

"Can I come with you?" Jacqueline asks.

"I don't think Savannah will be okay with seeing you."

"I'll stay in the car, please, Miley's scaring me," she whispers to him.


"Can I come too?" Tyler asks.

"No," Xander says firmly.


"She's not answering," Xander says to Miley over the phone, standing in front of Savannah's house.

"I don't care, just bring her here!"


"Xander," Miley growls.

"I'll try again," he says and hangs up. Before he knocks again, Savannah's twelve year old sister opens the door.

"Hi, Peach, is Savannah home?" He asks, even though he can see her hair poking out from behind the couch in the living room.

"No," she glares at him, meaning she already knows what he did. She used to like him, she's not nice to anyone but he's a different case. Maybe she has a crush on him or maybe he just has that effect on girls, who knows?

"I know she's hiding behind the couch."

"That's.....that's just my human sized doll."

"You hate dolls."

"I hate your face. You know what else I hate? Cheating boyfriends, I can't believe I actually thought of you as my brother-in-law."

"So you're not gonna let me in?"

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Peach says, obstructing the doorway.

"But I need to talk to her."

"But she doesn't want to talk to you"

"Listen here, little girl," Xander says, trying to act tough, "I need to talk to Savannah, okay? So move so I can come in."

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