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"Thank you for coming Xander. I know this is hard for you but you know Jacqueline better than any one, you can help us," Detective Jones says.

"I'll do anything I can to help," Xander says.

"Me too," Xandra butts in, smiling widely at Detective Jones.

"I didn't want her to come, she insisted," Xander says when Detective Cooper gives him an annoyed look.

"So, we checked out the surveillance cameras at McDonald's," Jones says, "you and your friends were in there for at least an hour. Jacqueline left before Savannah but we lost her when she entered an alley."

"We found a phone in that alley. " Cooper shows them a clear bag with Jacqueline's phone inside and Xander immediately takes it.

"Its hers," he says, examining the phone through the bag, "the screen is broken, it wasn't broken before."

"We also found broken glass, forensic says its from a beer bottle. There was even a puddle of it near the shards," Jones says.

"But no blood?" Xander says hopefully.

"There was a loooooot of blood," Cooper says.

"It wasn't that much," Jones assures them.

"Are you kidding? It was massive, like all the blood was drained out of the person and- oh," she stops when she notices the horrified looks on the Kresges faces.

"Was the blood hers," Xander asks.

"Yes," Jones answers honestly.

"Oh God," Xandra exclaims, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No, no, its okay. She did lose a lot of blood but she could still be alive," Jones reassures her, placing a comforting hand on Xandra's shoulder which seems to make her feel better instantly.

"Who do you think did it?" Xander asks.

"We can't tell you that," Detective Cooper says.

"I know but you did say you need me."

The detectives look at each other and sigh.

"Our prime suspect is Savannah," Cooper says.

"That can't be right, Savannah would never do something like that," Xander says.

"Maybe the Savannah you know but you have to accept the fact that some people aren't who you think they are, like your sister," Cooper says and Xandra groans.

Since she reappeared, everyone had been bringing up the issue at every opportunity. She was glad the detectives hadn't been like, 'hey, you're that girl that faked her death, right?' like most cops she had come across had done.

Not everyone knew the whole story but the whole police department definitely does and they always talk about it when they see her.

"Didn't Savannah leave after Jacqueline did?" Jones asks.

"Yeah, she probably went home," Xander says.

"Here's what I think, when Jacqueline entered the lonely alley, Savannah took the opportunity to attack her. Probably killed her, realized what she had done and buried Jacqueline's body somewhere," Cooper says.

"Don't listen to her, we don't have any evidence that Savannah did it yet but we'll send the phone to the forensic lab and see what they can find," Jones says, "I'll call you when we find something."

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