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"I didn't bring my car, so I'm following you guys," Miley says to Xander and Savannah.

"Me too," Jacob says.

"No one wants to ride with me?" Tyler asks


"We're good."

Miley and Jacob enter the back seat, before Jacqueline can enter, Savannah stops her.

"The car's full, you'll have to go with Ty," she says even though there's clearly enough space for her. Jacqueline looks over to Tyler who's grinning like an idiot.

She works over to Tyler without complaining even though he gives her the creeps.

Once they're all in, they start towards the house. Jacqueline seats as far from Tyler as the car door would allow and stares out the window.

"Stop the car!" She yells suddenly.


"Stop the car! Right now!"

Tyler stops the car abruptly and Xander almost runs into him.

Jacqueline struggles to open the door, "why isn't it opening?"

"Calm down, I just have to put it in park first," he does and the doors automatically unlock. She doesn't waste time in coming out.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" Xander asks, coming down from his car.

"I don't know, Jacqueline just told me to stop."

The cars behind them starting honking angrily and they park their cars properly.

"Jacqueline, are you okay?" Miley asks when she sees Jacqueline pacing and muttering to herself. They're in front of their former high school, Eastwood High.

"It was right here, I saw it," she says, entering the parking lot. The others follow, confused.

"What did you see?" Xander asks.

"The car. There it is!" She points at a Ford, a really old version of it. They start to walk towards it but stop when they see someone coming out of the car with a math textbook in hand.

"The janitor did it," Tyler gasps.

"Why would the janitor kill Xandra?" Savannah asks.

"Xandra made his job harder, she left a mess everywhere, mostly because of Jacqueline," Tyler answers.

"I don't think that's enough to reason to kill someone," Miley says.

"Guys, he's leaving, let's follow him," Jacqueline says and without waiting for their reply, bolts into the school and the others follow.

The halls are relatively empty, they ignore the few students they come across.

"He went into Mr. Foster's class," Jacqueline says, stopping at a corner.

"Who?" Miley asks.

"You've only been out of school for a month, how could you forget your math teacher?" Jacob asks.

"Okay, now he's in the janitor's closet," Jacqueline says.

"Perfect, we corner him and beat him up until he tells us everything," Miley says.

"No way, what if we kill him? He's like eighty years old," Xander says.

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