Poll for advicd

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Aight guys, ya girl is asking for some help.

I received this wonderful message in canvas today (what my professor was doing up at that time is beyond me but it's ECE so I'm not surprised):

I received this wonderful message in canvas today (what my professor was doing up at that time is beyond me but it's ECE so I'm not surprised):

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My current grade in the class is an 86. I did the math and it would take a 93 to get an A in the class and any lower than a 75 would drop me to a C.

My 3 test grades so far have been 75, 89.7, and 89.7. So getting an A is probably not likely.

Nonetheless, though, I thought I would ask you guys. Should I shoot for an A or let it be and take the B and run?

If I choose not to this is my final exam schedule:


8 am emag
3:30 pm computer organization


8 am intermediate accounting II


11:30 am signals

Computer organization and signals are, of course, serious concerns at the moment. Comp org is more about passing (because it's a Bill Reid class and we have a cumulative final). And signals, I'm doing decently in, but regardless the final is 40% of our grade so there's A LOT of pressure there.

And then accounting, I'm pretty safe in currently. But I want to do well on the last exam because I think I can and because I take a moderate amount of pride in that class.

So, really, it's about study time for signals and comp org. But will I be motivated to do that with the stay at home nonsense? Who knows?

I also have no clue what's going to be on the final. My circuits professor has kind of indirectly warned me about Martin before, saying that he makes his exams too hard for the PhD students (if don't believe me, I can tell you the story...it's pretty funny actually).

So, I'm thinking the smart move would be to take the B and just pass/fail that sucker so it doesn't affect my GPA. But I'm willing for someone to convince me to take his final and shoot for an A.

Give me some thoughts on what I should do.

Also love you all and hope you're doing well.


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