The rush saga prelude part 2

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Ok guys, so weep. I did more stuff for rush today.

Yesterday I had to take a break from it all because, like I said in my last entry, it's been a little all-consuming in the house right now.

So yeah, since yesterday we bought some dresses downtown, I tried them on today for my mom. Because of the suggestion my friend made, we got new dresses that I tried on today.

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This, I think, would make a nice round 4 dress

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This, I think, would make a nice round 4 dress. Maybe? I hope. My mom ordered heels for it.

Anyways, I finally got to put hair down today. I've been a bit lazy, which is something that you really can't do with curly hair.

You know why? Because it gets matted...and, well...

It took me four hours to comb out my hair today. I spent 45 of them in the shower, at which point the fumes from conditioner were so bad that my eyes hurt. And then, well, I stood there in front of mirror to try to figure out how to untangle everything.

Curly hair is like wires in a box, on the back of a truck, which is in an accident with another truck with another box of wires. It's the worst. And if you leave it for more than 3 days it takes ages to break apart...

I pulled enough hair out to make a wig for a small child. Legitimately.

It was *a lot* of effort.

And then of course after that I did lotion and body butter for my legs, and a collagen mask for my face.

Also, I keep sneezing which is actually terrifying. Because I CANNOT be sick for rush. I think it's just allergies but my left ear is a little blocked too which makes me worried that it's a sinus infection.

Another tid bit of news is that my cousin is rushing as well. Which, I don't know how to feel about that. Like, inherently I'm happy for her, because I know she'll do great. She's beautiful and fun and just a great person all around. But, you know, it makes me curious about what's going to happen to me if I don't make it.

Cause like, my cousin and myself tend to be similar. We're both engineers and both go to state schools. But she's a lot better at sports (she's a cheerleader for Georgia Tech's navy squad) and has a better scholarship. Plus she sings. She's like, the complete package lol.

I'm happy for her, but it's also tough because we're similar people and thus we're easy to compare.

So yeah, not sure what's going on tomorrow. But I thought I might get that off my chest. Like, it's tough because people say they don't compare you, but I don't think anyone ever has pure motives. And you can say one thing and it isn't necessarily the truth.

But I do mean that I'm happy for her. I talk to her on Snapchat all the time and she's rushing two days after I am so I want to hear about it. I just don't know if I could see myself not get in and she does.

Anyways, thanks for reading.



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