Notes of encouragament for my sorority

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So they asked us recently to write notes of encouragement for our sisters. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. Let me explain why:

A lot of the compliments are like "oh I stalked you on insta and you're really pretty" and others are like that and they really try. And then there's been like one or two that are like real, genuine compliments and that's really nice.

But they have them read out to the entire chapter, which gives me mixed feelings. Because you're writing nice things anonymously to someone in front of everyone. And everyone hears it. And for some people that's really discouraging for them to write something earnest and meaningful. I literally heard sisters say that because the things were being read out, they weren't going to try.

At the same time though, it brings a lot of positive energy to the end of chapter. There's lots of awwws and that's so sweet. But is it real? That's my question.

I hope it is. I really do. Because I wrote my note earnestly, and honestly I made it earnest, because I take things earnestly and sincerely.

So yeah, I don't really know how to feel about the whole thing. Thoughts?

Also hit me up if you wanna hear some stories from the department, but here's my favorite of the week:

On Thursday, my circuits professor literally complained to me for like a solid 5-10 minutes about his TI-89 he had from high school. Just imagine a grown fucking man with like grey hairs complaining about his calculator not working but with like this smile on his face because even though he's frustrated, resolving the question is literally the most meaningful thing in the world to him. Apparently he spent like 2+ hours on it too.

This is literally the rant:

"You know the input looks a lot like this except maybe you have a little carrot where the exponent is supposed to go. And you'd think that since the calculator spits out e^degrees as an answer it would take in e^degrees. But no, even when the calculator is set to degrees it still takes the answer in radians for some dumb reason [I'd probably say it's because the man's calculator is from when he was in high school, yes he told me that, and yes I think he needs an upgrade] so you have to multiply by π/180 to get the answer. I spent like two hours and then I finally asked my TA to check my answer because I knew my redraw of the circuit was correct. And I mean, normally I don't use this calculator, I normally use my wife's kitchen calculator that does basic finance, but this time I had to use this one..."

That man literally had a smile on his face the entire time while he's ranting, so you could just tell he was excited to talk about solving the problem. What an engineer y'all. What an engineer...

He literally is my favorite in the department. (Y'all  know who is a close second though). I hope that he chooses me to research with him this summer because it would be literally so much fun. I got that man's back like nothing else. Like he asks and it's done, semiconductor physics here we come 😂😂😂

Yes, I'm silly but this is how I am with the department. These people are literally amazing. Oh if only y'all knew. Have I got STORIES.

Anyways, before this turns into intense backstory time (some of y'all who read this random book know what that's like), I'm gonna skirt 😂😂😂 to do a review and watch a movie hehe

Y'all have a good day


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