Chapter 7: Boat Ride

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As we went to the bank, the deep sound became clear and the pink seahorse boat appeared. There were fifty-two Oompa-Loompas in blue jumpsuits and the one who pounding a large drum like a metronome. When the boat stopped, they all started giggling. 

"What's so funny?" Violet asked. 

"I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know, that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love."

"You don't say." Mrs. Bearegarde said with flirty of what he said. We all looked at her with annoyance and curiosity after what she said. 

"All aboard." Mr. Wonka told them as he made an uncomfortable face. Everyone then sat on the boat and Charlie helped me sit on the backseats, Mr. Wonka then sat on Charlie's right as I was on his left. He then motioned for the Oompa-Loompas to go ahead. 


As I admired the view from the boat, Mr. Wonka grabbed the dark pink sea horse ladle and dipped it into the chocolate river, he then passed it to Charlie. "Here, try some of this, it'll do you good. You two looked starved to death!"

Charlie gave it to me but I told him to eat first, he then swallowed half of the chocolate before he gave it to me. "It's great!" I then swallowed the chocolate, it was terrific. 

"That's because it's mixed by waterfall." He explained to us before he told the tour. "The water is most important, mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. By the way, no other factory in the world--"

"You already said that." Veruca interrupted him uncaring. Mr. Wonka was silent for a moment before he kept his hand back. I then patted his back as comfort, he noticed that someone was patting his back as he turned to me. I smiled comfort to him, he returned it the same. 

"You're all quite short, aren't you?" He asked the other kids. 

"Well, yeah. We're children." Violet said with a sassy tone. 

"Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you."

"You were once." Mike added. 

"Was not. Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short, little arms. You could never reach." Mr. Wonka giggled before all of them stayed quiet. 

"Do you remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asked him. 

"Oh, boy, do I." he then paused as he said softly and his face changed into the distraught one. 

"Do I...?"





"In fact, Willy Wonka hadn't thought about his childhood for years."

At Halloween, all groups of children walked to each house for trick-or-treating. The group went in front of the house and one of them knocked on the door. A woman opened the door with a candies basket in her hands.

"Trick or treat?!" the children asked. 

She laughed before she asked them. "Who do we have here? Ruthie, Veronica, Terrance..." She then paused as she didn't see the kid who covered the sheet as she frowning. "And who's that under the sheet?" 

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