Blue meets Green

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Bucky's POV:

I don't think I have ever run this fast in my life, I was barrelling down the hallways trying to get to Tony. The inky darkness of the entire compound made it difficult, but we needed his tech to get Natasha back.

"Stark! Where are you?!" I yell once I reach his lab.

"Sitting in a pool of my own tears." Tony mumbles from the corner of his lab, hiding behind a desk.

I rush over to where he sits miserably and shake his shoulders to gain some of his attention, "Stark, I need you to get up right now and fix that outage. Natasha is alive and she's here!" I explain hastily.

His big brown eyes fill with astonishment as he stares me down, "W-what? She's here, home?" He asks, emotion thick in his throat.

"Yeah but she's under the KGB's control so we have to work really hard to get her back ok? Can you do your job and fix the outage for us?"

"Y-yeah I mean yes right now I-I need to see Natasha, FRIDAY, let's get the backup generator up a running ASAP and turn every single light on in this facility." Tony orders as he gets himself up and off the floor, the lights turning on giving off a harsh glow.

"Right away, it's good to have you back boss." FRIDAY's automated voice sounds throughout the room.

"It's good to be back." Tony sighs as he looks over to me, "So, what's the plan?"

"She's most likely already in the building, probably undercover but we know who we're looking for so it shouldn't be to difficult. We need security and agents at every entrance this place has, plus people keeping an eye on our vents, she will use them."

"Alright FRIDAY you heard him, what's she here for?" Tony questions.

"She's here for information only so split the group of us in half, Wanda, Sam, Clint and myself will go to where we keep all our paper copies, files etc. and stand guard there. The rest of us including you, Thor, Loki, Rhodey, Bruce and Vision will stay here, she's good with tech and will most likely go for a computer." I explain.

"What about Capsicle?"

"He's in recovery, Nat attacked him."

Tony shakes his head sorrowfully, looking back to me with determination set in his eyes,

"Let's get her back."


Natasha's POV:

Once I cut the power, I take my chance and maneuver myself over towards the stairs in a jet black room full of people. I make my way off to the side of the lobby and open the door to enter the stairwell, elevators won't be up a running for a while.

Once in the stairwell I rush up as many flights of stairs as fast as I can, the pant suit I'm wearing over my usual attire not making it any easier. To complete my disguise I tied up my hair in a low bun with a few clips, along with some glasses to really ensure I won't be recognized.

How could I be recognized though? Do people here know who I am, what I do and who I serve? The familiarity of this place in the back of my mind shakes me to the core, but I still can't figure out or unlock the potential memory.

I need to get my head out of my ass and focus on the damn mission. I can't fail.

The Black Widow doesn't fail.

I continue up the many flights of stairs until I make it to the floor my mission file ordered the information was stored. Just as I'm about to open the door the lights abruptly turn back on, making me squint at the harsh fluorescent shine.

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