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Natasha's POV:

After he's done untying me I turn to look at him and put a hand on his beaten cheek. At first he jolted back in fear but he then relaxed.

"What did they do to you Steve..." I say to him sympathetically.

"I-I don't know let's just get out of here." He says as he swallows hard.

I nod at him as we head over to Clint's cell which was next to mine. We unlock the door and see an unconscious Clint sitting in a chair tied up like I was moments ago. While Steve limps over to him and unties him I try to wake him up by pinching a sensitive spot on his torso knowing he was ticklish there. He then came to his senses and awoke slowly.

"Hey best friend." I say smiling at him.

He lightly smiles back and stands up uneasily after Steve was done with the ropes. Steve and Clint are nearly unable to walk with their injuries so they lean on each other for support. We head to Wanda's cell across from Clint's and rush in immediately. Clint's reaction was heartbreaking and so was Steve's. She laid there on a steel table looking blankly up at the ceiling. Wanda was a person who was genuinely happy and always intrigued by things but it looks like that person had been sucked right out. Her wrists were red from her clearly fighting against her ropes and her clothes looked old and worn.

"Wanda hey.." I said putting one of my hands on her hair and looking at her. She looked at me and backed away breathing heavily. Fear filled those blank eyes and I retracted my hand.

"Wanda it's me it's Natasha we're going to get you out of here ok?" I say calmly and kind heartedly. She nods at me looking at the ground after being freed from the ropes. I put her arm around my shoulder and started to walk, her empty gaze unmoving from its place on the floor.

"Guys?" we hear a weak call from down the hallway.

"Bucky?" Clint asks aloud letting go of Steve and limping in the direction of the voice.

We head down the hallway but as we started to walk Steve stood still, looking at his hands.

"Steve cmon lets go get Bucky."


My words seemed to have no affect on him. I walk over to him and put my hand on his forearm. He moves his arm away from me frightened like a scared little animal, pain filling his blue eyes.

"Steve what's wrong?" I ask giving him a concerned look.

He shakes his head and starts hobbling towards Clint throwing him the key to get Bucky out of his cell. Bucky looked the best out of all of us, probably because he hasn't been here as long. He helps both Clint and Steve while I help Wanda's broken body get out of this place. I had a massive headache and the muscles in my limbs burned while we worked our way out of the base.

We find our way out of this hell hole easily knowing where to go. All the stairs though were painful. Steve and Clint looked like they were having the hardest time out of all of us getting up the multiple flights of steps. We then finally make it out the doors and my face meets the nice winter air of Russia. The cold breeze felt nice against my sweating body and damp hair.

We reach the quin jet which seemed to be perfectly in tact which was odd. You would think the people here would raid, destroy or liquidate the parts of the jet but everything was working and in place. Bucky takes the wheel while Clint tends to his leg and I help Steve and Wanda to sit down so I can assess their injuries. After Clint was done cleaning and wrapping his leg he heads over to Wanda to help her out.

Wanda seemed to jump whenever Clint would try to touch her. He looked hurt by the fact that she appeared to be afraid of him but I made sure he wouldn't take it personally. Clint went over across the jet to help Steve and I began to work on Wanda. It was like she was mute. I tried talking to her but she would just continue to stare straight ahead with no emotion on her pale face. That sparkle she used to have in her eyes had burnt out.

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