I'm Stuck

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Steve's POV:

A small little restaurant. A classic like diner with tiled floors along with booths and chairs taking up the main room. That's where I appeared, not knowing how I got here or what was happening.

I sat in a chair looking directly at a plain booth beside a window, everything in black and white. Outside looked gloomy, scary like a horror movie with the mist clinging to the creepy looking trees lined in a row. Sitting in the booth was something that drew my attention instantly, Natasha Romanoff.

She sat opposite herself, there were two of her. A gun laid on the table closest to the Natasha on the left. The two clones stared each other down, the one on the right seemed jumpy, terrified while the other sat across from her looked cold and stony.


The evil looking one of the twins slid the gun across the table, making the other flinch at the action.

"Aren't you going to do it? Finish the job Natalia." She said with no emotion evident in her voice, she could easily be mistaken for a robot, a machine.

"What is this? What the hell is going on?" The frightened Natasha of the two shakily replied.

"You're weak! Finish the job!" The other yelled suddenly, making even myself jump.

"What job?"

"Kill him!" She screamed, turning to me. My eyes widen, they knew I was here?

"No! I won't kill anymore! What even is this?" She pleaded

"You already know what this is, don't play dumb." The spiteful Natasha said matter of factly

"This isn't real, it isn't real.." Natasha whispered while putting her head in her hands.

"Your biggest fears are always things that are the most real, Natalia. The inevitable." She grins wickedly.

"You're not me! And I can't kill him!"

"Natasha.." I soothe as I get up to comfort her.

"Get away you! 'Natasha' isn't even her real name! You made her weak, a coward. Love is for children." The bad of the two kicks me to the ground and I knock multiple chairs over with the force of it.

"Stop!" She cries

"Pathetic little thing aren't you? You're biggest fear is yourself. You can't hide from the horrors Natalia. These gushy good for nothing Avengers made you weak, made you feel. You can't hide from your true self forever! You have nothing to be proud of here, so just kill him already!" She yells, slamming her hands on the table.

I glance at the Natasha I know, the one I love. Tears streaming down her face like a powerful waterfall, not being able to stop. She sobs as she looks at me on the floor and goes to pick up the gun, the weight familiar in her small pale hands. She goes to point it at me but I don't even move. I give her a look of understanding, the go ahead, the 'it's ok'.

"I will still love you Natasha, you could never hurt me." I say softly.

She sobs again, pulling back the safety of the gun and her finger rests on the trigger. She closes her eyes, sobbing again as she quickly moves to put the barrel against her own temple, a few strands of her hair falling in her face. Only it wasn't red, everything remained black and white.

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