Chapter 22 The Evil In Him

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Farrah's P.O.V

I walked down the cold winter forest, making me wrap my sweater tighter around me as the cool air hit me.

I still couldn't get over the fact that Cameron told me that. That I slapped him. That he won't let me see my son.

I looked down at the ground as unwillingly the tears fell.

'Farrah....we should get out of here now.' My wolf Destiny, told me making me realize I had walked in into a deep part of the forest.

I was about to turn around listening to my wolf, when I smelled something. I sniffed the air looking around.

That scent I knew it anywhere, I may not have smelled it in years but how can you ever forget a person that ruined you forever?

Your innocence, life, and happiness. I stayed still trying to hear or smell him. But like always he found me first, a thud was heard behind me as he said "Always a pleasure to see you Farrah."

I turned around widely and glared at him saying "Shame I can't say the same about you Zachary."

"Aww," He said with fake sadness "don't tell me your still holding the grudge."

I rolled my eyes at him saying "Stop playing around and tell me what you want, so you can leave as fast as you came you bastard."

"Ouch! You really don't let things go do you?" He faked hurt.

"How can I let what you did to me go?! Who in they're right mind does that? But what I've figured out about you, is that you don't have a sane mind." I said.

He grinned mischievously saying "Oh I know. And well you win, I want to talk to you about a little plan I must do soon and you're gonna help me."

"Me? Help you? Now you've really lost it Zach. Listen carefully nothing and I mean NOTHING will ever make me help you." I said turning around about to walk away but stopped when he said "Not even your son?"

I turned around and stalked over to him. "Don't you dare mess with my son! I will murder you if you do! I'm not the same girl you met before Zach! I'm not the same girl you took advantage of! I'm not! So if you even lay one finger on him I will kill you." I said pushing him with every word.

He glared at me his electric blue eyes turning black a sign that he's pissed. He grabbed my arm purposely putting pressure into his grip to hurt me.

"You say you aren't the same girl as before but I well as hell know that you are. Don't mess with me Farrah. I'm a million times stronger than you and you will help me get what I want." He growled the pain in my arm growing more as I whimpered.

"You got it?" He asked darkly.

"Yes." I whispered scared about what he can do.

"Good." He said releasing my arm and I immediately rubbed it trying to take away the pain somehow.

His eyes went back to its blue color as he said "Now listen carefully, your gonna help me get Skylar."

"WHAT?! No way! Skylar is my friend, I'm tired of lying and hurting the people I care about I'm not gonna do it." I said firmly.

Zach growled darkly saying "May I remind you, your arm? Or I can rewind the memory for you this time with my claws and you know what happens when a demon uses his claws."

My eyes widened as I took a step back. "No thank you." I said. Now your wondering demon? Yeah the son of a bi- I mean beautiful person is a demon/werewolf hybrid. Meaning that yeah I'm screwed. A demon's claws are one of their strongest features.

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