Chapter 9 Dreaming

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Skylar's P.O.V 

Fog.That's all I saw around me. It was all foggy and dark. Soon I started hearing footsteps. I turned my head in every direction trying to see who was approching me. But the fog made it impossible. My breathing accelerated, my heart started beating faster.

"Hello?" I called out.

The footsteps started going away as if scared when I called out. "Wait no! Don't go! Who are you?!" I said. No answer. The footsteps just started getting further away and I know I'm stupid to do this. But something was just pushing me, like a drive to go after the person.

So I did, I ran after the person. Everytime calling out to him/her as I ran and ran. I noticed the fog dissapering a little. It seemed as if I was in some kind of forest but it was strange something was really strange about here.

Well except for the fact that I was running after some stranger. I turned my attention back to the person I'm chasing, trying to see the person better. It seemed to be a guy, I couldn't see much because it was still a little foggy and it was dark. 

My lungs felt as they were about to explode, my legs were tired, and I needed to stop. I was so close to just stopping and giving up but I kept going when I saw a shining light ahead.

The guy I was chasing was going after it. 'Beats better than staying out here.' I thought. With new motavation and determination I kept running after the guy. I was curious yet scared. 

Tyler's P.O.V 

'Oh god, oh shit! This is not good. Why is she here?! Why did she come back?! Especially now. Shit Cameron is so close to shifting. Dammit if only Skylar was awake.'  I thought as I saw Farrah have a face down with Cameron. Farrah still looks the same light brown wavy hair with light golden eyes that had a tint of green in them.   

' Cameron needs to calm down he's scaring our mate.' My wolf Cole told me. 

' I know but he can't control it. Can't you talk to his wolf and get him to calm down?' I asked Cole. 

' I wish. But you know only Skylar can calm him down.' Cole told me and I sighed dissapointedly while cutting off the conversation.

" What are you doing here." Cameron well more like Alec said.

Farrah gulped nervously and said " I'm here because I need to get things straight with you and this pack plus I came to help." 

 " Too late for that now don't you think? And we don't need your help." Alec said codly.

 " It's never too late for anything and you do need my help. You know I can help with Skylar. " She said.

Cameron started gaining back a little control over Alec at the mention of his mate. "Skylar? That means you can help my sister?" Tori asked Farrah hopefully.

Farrah looked at her confused not knowing who she was but either way nodded yes. " How do you know about Sk-" Cameron started to say, fully back in control of Alec now but got interupted as a phone rang.

We all looked at eachother trying to see who's phone it was and soon we discovered it was Ashton's phone. " Oh! I forgot I had that." Ashton said nervously as he looked at Tori who was giving him a death glare.

" Your saying you had your phone all this time?!" Tori said through gritted teeth. She's a little spitfire and right now I could tell she was about to kill Ashton. Anybody could.

" Umm well..." Ashton trailed off nervously trying to find an escape to this situation. Vic just kept walking slowly towards him as he moved away quickly and panickly. Leila was looking concerned for Ashton yet entertained.

" Ashton. Lexis. Reece..." Vic trailed off threatingly. We all cringed, she used his full name there's no saving him now.

" You have three seconds to run."   She finished saying. He looked at her wide eyed and made a run out of the room while screaming "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!!"

" THEN I'LL CATCH YOU DEAD!!" She yelled going after him. 

I blinked totally stunned as to what just happened. " So umm who are they?" Farrah asked. 

Cameron looked at her annoyed and ignored her by going into the room where Sky was. When he left we all gave her an aplogetic look and Maddy said " Sorry about him. It's just well, it's complicated." 

Skylar's P.O.V 

The guy suddenly stopped right in front of the blinding bright light and turned to look at me. I too stopped in front of him and squinted my eyes to try and get a better look at him. He seemed very familiar which surprised me. 

He had brown hair that resembeled mines with light green eyes. He smiled warmly at me and then passed through the bright light. I was stunned but quickly composed myself and went through the blinding light too. Concluding it was better than staying in the dark creepy forest. 

It was weird going through the light. It was like transporting through a diffrent demension. I ended up on the ground except it didn't look like normal ground it was like if I was laying on clouds. " Weird." I mumbeled as I got up and looked around. 

This setting was more peaceful. I could see the sky it was a nice light blue. Everthing around me were clouds. The clouds were weird but it was better than the forest. My eyes finally landed on three figures. One of the figures was the guy I followed here. The other two were a woman and a man. 

The woman had straight blonde hair and light blue eyes like mines. While the man had brown hair and light green eyes. The guy resembeled the man a lot. A perfect spitting image of him. 

" Elizabeth." The woman said smiling kindly at me.

" Who?" I asked.


Pic of Cameron on the top or side 

Hey guys! Sorry if it's a late update it's just school work is building up so :-( But no worries I won't stop updating it'll take me some time but at least I'll update. 

Now I know it's a little confusing this chapter but all will be revealed soon. If your wondering who the ??? P.O.V  was it was Farrah's. 

How do you think Farrah can help Skylar?

Who's the guy,man,and woman in Skylar's dream? 

Who is Elizabeth? 

Comment what you think and vote plz!


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