Chapter 6 Something's Wrong

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Skylar's P.O.V

Five hours later and we're stuck in the living room sitting on the couches while being bored.

Maddy had fallen asleep and Vic was close to falling asleep too. Leila was just awkwardly sitting there while playing with her hair.

The silence was killing me the only sound you could hear was the clock going tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

It was annoying! "Ugh! I can't take it anymore! What are we waiting for?!" I said frustrated.

Leila and Ash looked at me surprised. "Well we're waiting for Cameron, Tyler, and Drew." Leila said.

"Who?" Ash and I said.

Tori had fallen asleep by now. Leila sighed and said uncomfortably "Your.....errr kidnappers.....? The one with brown hair and brown eyes is Cameron, Tyler is the one with black hair, and Drew is the blonde one my big brother."

"Wait hold up! Did you say one of them is YOUR BROTHER?!" I exclaimed standing up.

Leila nodded and played with her hands while muttering "Yeah."

Ash was about to say something when the door opened and the three assholes came in looking tired.

I sat back down and crossed my arms. They had a few scratches here and there which confused me. "What did you get attacked by? A cat?" I sneered.

'Damn! I can never keep my mouth shut!' I thought.

" You could say that. Except it's nothing related to a cat." Tyler said.

I was confused but didn't think of it much as I suddenly got a strong headache. It was like a pounding hammer inside my head.

I cursed and put my head in my hands. "What's wrong?!" Cameron said frantically as he came to my side.

'Why does he care so much about me? He's my FRICKING kidnapper!!' I thought which made my headache worst.

He put his arm around me and in an instant it was gone. "Don't. Touch. Her." Ash said threateningly.

" I'm fine. I just got a massive headache." I said lifting my head up and interfing between them before something bad happens.

"Leila go and get her some tablets for her headache." Cameron said.

Leila nodded and started getting up. "Its ok I'm fine." I said.

"No. You just got a headache that looked like it was gonna kill you." Cameron said arguing with me.

" How do I know that those tablets aren't for drugging me!" I said.

" I would never do that! None of us would! Trust me." He said looking a little hurt.

" You fricking KIDNAPPED me and my siblings!!! How am I supposed to trust you?!" I said standing up.

" Ugh! It was necessary!" He said standing up too.

"How is it ne-" I stared to say but fell down as another massive headache hit me.

Cameron was at my side in a flash holding me while telling Leila to go get the tablets. Ash was also at my side telling me soothing things.

Everyone was freaking out all around. Tori was already awake and looked scared as she told me things.

I blocked everyone out as my headache hit me harder. My vision soon started to get blurry.

Cameron and Ash were shaking me frantically trying to get me to stay awake but I couldn't risist the urge to close my eyes anymore. I closed my eyes weakly and welcomed the dark with open arms.

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